When playing the game Riddle Me This you are fundamentally playing a guessing game that is slightly more elaborate than a traditional guessing game. To play the game each person takes turns asking riddles whoever doesn't answer it is out, and the individual that answered correctly first gets to be the next riddle asker. People of all ages have been playing this game for years.
Riddle Me This can be played as a game. Riddles have been around for hundreds of years. They were mostly used back in the late 1600's to teach babies how to understand that there may be meanings to a sentence. For the most a part a riddle is an extravagant pun. They were used in so plenty of different ways over the centuries, but the most popular way to make use of riddles today is for a lovely time and to have a laugh. There's even games that can be played using riddles.
Not only are you able to make use of riddles to play games and have a lovely laugh you can also use them as a learning experience. You can make them up based on different languages; you can make up a riddle that is based on a mathematical equation. The possibilities are limitless when it comes to making a riddle as long you as you give clues to the answer that you are trying to get across then you have the makings for a great riddle.
You can also use riddles in different games as well. For example in case you are planning on having a scavenger hunt whether it is for adults or babies you can use riddles that the hunters must figure out to get them to the next clue and so on. You will also find them in the films and books . of the most widely known instances of having them in movies is Batman, of his enemies is The Riddler who is compelled to give out clues to his next crime which Batman has to figure out in time.
When you are playing a riddle game and you need to stump your relatives and friends then you ought to try to make up your own riddle this way there is no chance that they have heard it before. You will find plenty of different sites out there that will either tell you different riddles or they will tell how to make your riddle. When thinking of make positive that is age appropriate for the audience that will listen to the joke. You also need to make positive that the clues you give while being hard ought to even be feasible to figure out. When playing the game Riddle Me This make positive that your riddle is age appropriate and feasible to figure out and you will have a lovely time along with a lovely laugh.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cheats And Codes For Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto and it is numerous episodes is a actual classic under the sandbox-games. You have a lot opportunity and can do everything you like, which regrettably you won't be able to do in typical level-based video games.
Yet still there's occasions a mission project can be difficult to accomplish, or possibly the everyday "running over people on the streets, car-chases" with the police officers finish up being dull. It is actually those times in which you ought to retrieve your cell-phone and use or perhaps plenty of of the well over five-hundred available cheat codes for Grand Theft Auto!
You would not think how much fun it is to fly around in your vehicle in the event you haven't tried it for yourself...
The Flying Vehicle Cheat:
This is actually of my favorites, it is a lot fun to get in your automobile, then enter "321-555-8031" on your cell-phone and off you go!
Become Invincible:
In case you ever run out of ammo, which actually happens often to me, you pull up your cell and dial "482-555-0100" for countless ammunition and health! Now you are invulnerable!
Spawn a Police Chopper:
dial "FLY-555-0100" on your cell and a Police Chopper will appear right in front of you, enter it and fly away!
The developers of Grand Theft Auto did an excellent job implementing all of these cheat codes, all these "hacks" must be programmed, the effects designed and implemented by graphic artists. So it is not as if these cheat codes were bugs in the game. The cheats are willingly put there by the developers, for reason: To make the game experience more fascinating for everyone.
As you can see there's a few different cheat codes you could use, but think me when I say that these cheats are a fraction of what you could possibly do with these codes. It is actually hard to come by a complete list of cheats for GTA, sadly most sites claim to have a complete list but two times you clicked in the Google results on the promising listing you experience a bitter disappointment. There's only a few sites that have a near complete list, and those tend to rank on low positions in Google, Yahoo and Bing. This is exactly why it can someone ages to discover a lovely list.
But you ought to not give up all of your hopes because of this article, "hard to come by" in this case means that you most likely must search for a few hours to discover a site but it is not impossible. Get the most complete list of cheat codes for all GTA episodes on the net site below and then go and have some fun in Liberty city, Vice City, Los Santos or anywhere else in the GTA universe!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Game Ideation For The Everyman
It goes without saying that basically having an idea is practically useless (this is applicable to most, if not all industries ). These days, you could pick someone off the street and chances are that they probably have a couple of pitch-worthy game ideas up their sleeves, ideas that will likely never see the light of day. Basically put, game ideas are aplenty. On the other hand, game ideas that are acted on and further developed however don't come along as often.
All games, irrespective of medium or success, stem from the abstract construct of thought they know fondly as the 'idea'. It all has to start somewhere after all, be it on the proverbial drawing board, along the margins of your thesis paper, in your sister's diary or even the back of a paper towel.
And no, there is not going to be any 'thinking out of the box' going on here. I mean, who has the say as to what or where the box is? What actually constitutes the box, and why do they even think within it to start with?
In truth, it takes a nice measure of dedication and perseverance to see one's ideas realized. That, however, is a subject for another time. For now, let's shift our focus to the actual birthing of a game idea.
I come to you now as a gambling enthusiast and an aspiring designer to share a few pointers and 'soft techniques' that I have personally found useful while in the technique of generating and brainstorming ideas, for games or otherwise.
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That Is Not A Game Idea
Before they delve deeper in to the subject, let's get thing straight. An idea for a narrative (character, background, fluff, lore, etc., what-have-you) is NOT an idea for a game. A narrative may or may not influence the general design of a game and even its mechanics, but a narrative is STRICTLY NOT a game idea. A premise for a narrative may influence a game's design, but DO NOT turn the premise in to the core design philosophy of a game.
So, let's now take a step back and look at this basically. Ideally, a game idea (in the strictest sense of a 'game idea') involves an abstract collection of rules, constraints, boundaries and possibly a objective. At its bare maximum, it may even basically manifest as a general gameplay direction or premise. In essence, it is about laying the foundations or manifesto for a set of mechanics that, on further development, will pass off as 'playable'.
This is of the most common mistakes fledgling designers make, yours truly included. I am definite most of you out there's, at some point or another, come across a situation that goes kind of like this: "I HAVE A GREAT IDEA FOR A GAME. IT'S ABOUT ARMORED DRAGONS FROM SPACE THAT ATTACK THE EARTH AND KIDNAP OUR WOMEN!" That is an idea for a narrative, not a game. Get the picture?
It is very stimulating (not to mention enjoyable) to basically ride the stream of consciousness in hopes of finally landing on the shore of a amazing idea. Our mind, however, processes thousands on thousands of thoughts at a blazingly speedy pace and without the proper cognitive sanctions, the chances of getting lost in one's train of thought is high.
Imposing Self-Constraint
of the first things they must take in to consideration is the necessity of scope and self-constraint. It is all tempting to basically wade in to the giant expanse of the ocean that is the collective consciousness and, with our bare hands, basically fish for the next great game idea. As pretty as it sounds, regrettably, it is not all practical in terms of productivity.
This is where scope, themes, constraint and focus come in to play. As an individual or within a group, identify a theme, or range of themes, that peak your interest(s) and brainstorm with said themes in mind. Better yet, set yourself a challenge or a few constraints by which your brainstorm must adhere to. These methods do not stifle the ideation technique. , it forces you to explore more options and perspectives within a specific scope, which in itself is very conducive to the brainstorm.
Identifying And Solving A Issue
The market provides a immense collection of case studies that may be basically drawn on by game enthusiasts and designers similar. In every game, there will be features and/or issues that don't sit well with any given particular demographic of game enthusiasts. More importantly, in every game that possibly exists, no matter how 'refined' or 'perfect', there will always be room for improvement. This is something that designers can basically capitalize on.
This has to be of the oldest tenants of inventing. It first involves identifying of the lots of varied issues or dissatisfactions that life has to offer, then seeking a technique that would ideally solve or appease said issue or dissatisfaction. Fundamentally, the solution has to remove a thorn in the side of mankind and in turn, make the world a better (and simpler) place to live in (not to mention potentially making you a van load of money). This is a thought technique that can basically be applied to game ideation.
Identify a game, a game feature or a gaming/genre trend that displeases you, your colleagues or the general gamer populace. Take that, chew it over and break it down. Make it better, for you and the remainder of us game enthusiasts and fans similar.
Don't Try Hard
I am definite lots of you out there can sympathize with the fact that a quantity of our best ideas hit us at the most random, unexpected and sometimes, inopportune moments. You know what I am speaking about; those moments in the bathroom where you get struck by a flash of brilliance, only to discover that you have got run out of paper towels to not only have your great idea jotted down, but to tidy yourself as well?
Yes? No?
Well, the point I am trying to make here is that lots of times, ideas basically come to us as and when they do. Our unconscious mind works at a pace that far surpasses our waking consciousness, constantly analysing, associating, reasoning and ever so subtly communicating. Every now and again, our unconscious lets slip a brand spanking new idea or a brand spanking new point of view on things that, with the right amount of cultivation, has the potential to translate in to a ground-breaking idea for a game.
It is of those odd cosmic ironies where the amount of work expended searching doesn't necessarily translate in to the quality of our quarry (that being the game idea).
Unlikely Pairings
Don't discount the unquestionable merit of hard work altogether however. All I am saying here is that sometimes, they basically need to take a step back and proceed with calm and moderation, trying as best as they can to not lose sight of the spontaneous nature of the creative technique.
This tiny exercise works wonders for those of us looking to generate and/or discover uniquely quirky premises or story settings. Don't go overboard though. As I have mentioned in an earlier point, it is always a nice suggestion to lay down some sanctions or have a scope or direction outlined before you let your mind run wild.
This point is more about experimentation than anything else. As a simple exercise, basically take a stab in the dark and toss a few random 'things' together. Anything works , be it themes, objects, people, behaviours, ideals, etc. It is kind of like putting together a collage, that it is going to be in your head and it probably won't be very giant in scale.
What If?
While we are on the topic of experimentation, a nice life habit to adopt that greatly facilitates the ideation technique is to basically query. More specifically, constantly toss 'What If?' around as the ebb and flow of ideas begins to wash over you and/or your fellow brain-stormers.
Using 'What If?' requires to have an open mind and when completed right, effectively counteracts the complacency that might unintentionally gain in the technique of coming up with and developing an idea. It is a control measure that keeps our mental egos in check. In short, it goes something like, "Hey, I have a great idea!", soon followed by, "What if they took that idea and did to it, would it work better or worse then? Would it work at all?" As it happens, this also works very well while prototyping and play-testing.
Having chanced on a potentially amazing game idea, a simple 'What If?' opens the door to even greater possibilities, allowing us to see the potential flaws and successes of the idea at hand. With each 'What If?' asked in response to a feasible idea, they embark on a renewed train of thought that explores brand spanking new perspectives, all the while rooted to the core idea that they began with (serving as a cognitive sanction).
It is about experimentation as much as it is about exploration. Start questioning now. Set off a chain reaction of ideas leading to new possibilities which further leads you to newer ideas, etc. You do the remainder of the math.
Learn To Let Go
Don't get clingy. Every now and again, you are going to come on a game idea that may not work out the way you intended/require. Alternatively, you may chance on a game idea that has already been completed to death, and yet still somehow passes off as a great idea. In both cases, you are going to must learn to dump it (or , temporarily set it aside).
I firmly think that there is no such thing as a 'bad idea', basically ones that may need a GREAT deal of revision before being put in to use. This, of coursework, applies to game ideas and the ideation technique. Lots of a times, they find ourselves clinging to an idea, no matter how flawed and/or impractical. While that speaks of passion and pride in oneself, it also screams stubbornness. Much like my earlier point, it is about having an open mind, and in addition, objectivity.
Again, there is no such thing as a 'bad idea'. In case you have an idea that you love but cannot get to work, learn to basically set it aside, put it on temporary hold and move on. Let it mature for a short time and when opportunity calls, your idea will be sitting right where you last left it waiting for you.
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However, to re-iterate what I mentioned at the beginning of this piece, it takes a tonne of work before ideas truly come to fruition and materialize as something tangible, or in the case of a game designer, playable. Don't let that discourage you however, after all, as I have mentioned, it all has to start somewhere.
The ideation technique is multi-dimensional and can definitely be approached from any number of directions and methods. It is an activity that is not only mentality stimulating, but also highly enjoyable and most importantly, productive (as a rule at least). Within the scope of gambling, ideas are the clay by which designers mould new experiences and better modes of gameplay that will, for now and for years to come, continually evolve and encourage greater immersion and player interactivity.
An news story by Michael Lim Han Kwang (mikelhk)...
An avid gamer, reviewer, critic, enthusiast and aspiring game designer.
What is your take on ideation and the brain-storm? Have you used any of the 'soft techniques' that I have suggested and/or mentioned? Do you agree with my take on the varying mindsets to adopt while generating ideas? Might you have any nifty tricks of your own that aids along with your ideation pipeline (I am definite you have a couple)?
All games, irrespective of medium or success, stem from the abstract construct of thought they know fondly as the 'idea'. It all has to start somewhere after all, be it on the proverbial drawing board, along the margins of your thesis paper, in your sister's diary or even the back of a paper towel.
And no, there is not going to be any 'thinking out of the box' going on here. I mean, who has the say as to what or where the box is? What actually constitutes the box, and why do they even think within it to start with?
In truth, it takes a nice measure of dedication and perseverance to see one's ideas realized. That, however, is a subject for another time. For now, let's shift our focus to the actual birthing of a game idea.
I come to you now as a gambling enthusiast and an aspiring designer to share a few pointers and 'soft techniques' that I have personally found useful while in the technique of generating and brainstorming ideas, for games or otherwise.
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That Is Not A Game Idea
Before they delve deeper in to the subject, let's get thing straight. An idea for a narrative (character, background, fluff, lore, etc., what-have-you) is NOT an idea for a game. A narrative may or may not influence the general design of a game and even its mechanics, but a narrative is STRICTLY NOT a game idea. A premise for a narrative may influence a game's design, but DO NOT turn the premise in to the core design philosophy of a game.
So, let's now take a step back and look at this basically. Ideally, a game idea (in the strictest sense of a 'game idea') involves an abstract collection of rules, constraints, boundaries and possibly a objective. At its bare maximum, it may even basically manifest as a general gameplay direction or premise. In essence, it is about laying the foundations or manifesto for a set of mechanics that, on further development, will pass off as 'playable'.
This is of the most common mistakes fledgling designers make, yours truly included. I am definite most of you out there's, at some point or another, come across a situation that goes kind of like this: "I HAVE A GREAT IDEA FOR A GAME. IT'S ABOUT ARMORED DRAGONS FROM SPACE THAT ATTACK THE EARTH AND KIDNAP OUR WOMEN!" That is an idea for a narrative, not a game. Get the picture?
It is very stimulating (not to mention enjoyable) to basically ride the stream of consciousness in hopes of finally landing on the shore of a amazing idea. Our mind, however, processes thousands on thousands of thoughts at a blazingly speedy pace and without the proper cognitive sanctions, the chances of getting lost in one's train of thought is high.
Imposing Self-Constraint
of the first things they must take in to consideration is the necessity of scope and self-constraint. It is all tempting to basically wade in to the giant expanse of the ocean that is the collective consciousness and, with our bare hands, basically fish for the next great game idea. As pretty as it sounds, regrettably, it is not all practical in terms of productivity.
This is where scope, themes, constraint and focus come in to play. As an individual or within a group, identify a theme, or range of themes, that peak your interest(s) and brainstorm with said themes in mind. Better yet, set yourself a challenge or a few constraints by which your brainstorm must adhere to. These methods do not stifle the ideation technique. , it forces you to explore more options and perspectives within a specific scope, which in itself is very conducive to the brainstorm.
Identifying And Solving A Issue
The market provides a immense collection of case studies that may be basically drawn on by game enthusiasts and designers similar. In every game, there will be features and/or issues that don't sit well with any given particular demographic of game enthusiasts. More importantly, in every game that possibly exists, no matter how 'refined' or 'perfect', there will always be room for improvement. This is something that designers can basically capitalize on.
This has to be of the oldest tenants of inventing. It first involves identifying of the lots of varied issues or dissatisfactions that life has to offer, then seeking a technique that would ideally solve or appease said issue or dissatisfaction. Fundamentally, the solution has to remove a thorn in the side of mankind and in turn, make the world a better (and simpler) place to live in (not to mention potentially making you a van load of money). This is a thought technique that can basically be applied to game ideation.
Identify a game, a game feature or a gaming/genre trend that displeases you, your colleagues or the general gamer populace. Take that, chew it over and break it down. Make it better, for you and the remainder of us game enthusiasts and fans similar.
Don't Try Hard
I am definite lots of you out there can sympathize with the fact that a quantity of our best ideas hit us at the most random, unexpected and sometimes, inopportune moments. You know what I am speaking about; those moments in the bathroom where you get struck by a flash of brilliance, only to discover that you have got run out of paper towels to not only have your great idea jotted down, but to tidy yourself as well?
Yes? No?
Well, the point I am trying to make here is that lots of times, ideas basically come to us as and when they do. Our unconscious mind works at a pace that far surpasses our waking consciousness, constantly analysing, associating, reasoning and ever so subtly communicating. Every now and again, our unconscious lets slip a brand spanking new idea or a brand spanking new point of view on things that, with the right amount of cultivation, has the potential to translate in to a ground-breaking idea for a game.
It is of those odd cosmic ironies where the amount of work expended searching doesn't necessarily translate in to the quality of our quarry (that being the game idea).
Unlikely Pairings
Don't discount the unquestionable merit of hard work altogether however. All I am saying here is that sometimes, they basically need to take a step back and proceed with calm and moderation, trying as best as they can to not lose sight of the spontaneous nature of the creative technique.
This tiny exercise works wonders for those of us looking to generate and/or discover uniquely quirky premises or story settings. Don't go overboard though. As I have mentioned in an earlier point, it is always a nice suggestion to lay down some sanctions or have a scope or direction outlined before you let your mind run wild.
This point is more about experimentation than anything else. As a simple exercise, basically take a stab in the dark and toss a few random 'things' together. Anything works , be it themes, objects, people, behaviours, ideals, etc. It is kind of like putting together a collage, that it is going to be in your head and it probably won't be very giant in scale.
What If?
While we are on the topic of experimentation, a nice life habit to adopt that greatly facilitates the ideation technique is to basically query. More specifically, constantly toss 'What If?' around as the ebb and flow of ideas begins to wash over you and/or your fellow brain-stormers.
Using 'What If?' requires to have an open mind and when completed right, effectively counteracts the complacency that might unintentionally gain in the technique of coming up with and developing an idea. It is a control measure that keeps our mental egos in check. In short, it goes something like, "Hey, I have a great idea!", soon followed by, "What if they took that idea and did to it, would it work better or worse then? Would it work at all?" As it happens, this also works very well while prototyping and play-testing.
Having chanced on a potentially amazing game idea, a simple 'What If?' opens the door to even greater possibilities, allowing us to see the potential flaws and successes of the idea at hand. With each 'What If?' asked in response to a feasible idea, they embark on a renewed train of thought that explores brand spanking new perspectives, all the while rooted to the core idea that they began with (serving as a cognitive sanction).
It is about experimentation as much as it is about exploration. Start questioning now. Set off a chain reaction of ideas leading to new possibilities which further leads you to newer ideas, etc. You do the remainder of the math.
Learn To Let Go
Don't get clingy. Every now and again, you are going to come on a game idea that may not work out the way you intended/require. Alternatively, you may chance on a game idea that has already been completed to death, and yet still somehow passes off as a great idea. In both cases, you are going to must learn to dump it (or , temporarily set it aside).
I firmly think that there is no such thing as a 'bad idea', basically ones that may need a GREAT deal of revision before being put in to use. This, of coursework, applies to game ideas and the ideation technique. Lots of a times, they find ourselves clinging to an idea, no matter how flawed and/or impractical. While that speaks of passion and pride in oneself, it also screams stubbornness. Much like my earlier point, it is about having an open mind, and in addition, objectivity.
Again, there is no such thing as a 'bad idea'. In case you have an idea that you love but cannot get to work, learn to basically set it aside, put it on temporary hold and move on. Let it mature for a short time and when opportunity calls, your idea will be sitting right where you last left it waiting for you.
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However, to re-iterate what I mentioned at the beginning of this piece, it takes a tonne of work before ideas truly come to fruition and materialize as something tangible, or in the case of a game designer, playable. Don't let that discourage you however, after all, as I have mentioned, it all has to start somewhere.
The ideation technique is multi-dimensional and can definitely be approached from any number of directions and methods. It is an activity that is not only mentality stimulating, but also highly enjoyable and most importantly, productive (as a rule at least). Within the scope of gambling, ideas are the clay by which designers mould new experiences and better modes of gameplay that will, for now and for years to come, continually evolve and encourage greater immersion and player interactivity.
An news story by Michael Lim Han Kwang (mikelhk)...
An avid gamer, reviewer, critic, enthusiast and aspiring game designer.
What is your take on ideation and the brain-storm? Have you used any of the 'soft techniques' that I have suggested and/or mentioned? Do you agree with my take on the varying mindsets to adopt while generating ideas? Might you have any nifty tricks of your own that aids along with your ideation pipeline (I am definite you have a couple)?
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Reasons to Rent PS2 Games
The first reason is that you can play any game you require which includes multiple games which a person cannot afford to buy at time. You won't must get bored by playing game. When you rent PS2 games you get to play all the games you require to buy and enjoy yourself. Although regular players have immense collections but, they also cannot enjoy playing and get limitless supply of games. However, when you rent video games you can get access to over 7,000 different types of games. It is probably a collection of all the games you could ever require. The time period might be a month or 15 days in which you can keep the action going on and there is always another nice game to opt for. You get to pick all types of games that have released till date when you rent games online.
Whether you are a longtime player, or basically play for leisure and lifestyle, you will seldom be disappointed in case you rent online PS2 titles. Video game rental is a great method that lets you maximize your gambling experience. Whether you have less funds or are bored of the titles that you have or require to try before you buy. Renting video games opens up a variety of possibilities. Here are some reasons why you ought to rent PS2 games online.
It is true that plenty of people go to video shops or libraries in the event that they require to rent some of the latest games. However, these libraries or stores have limited stocks and if someone else takes the game you will must wait for it. This is a disadvantage. In case you require a small older version then you might get it or might not get it because these shops do not have everything. They cannot compete with the net games collection. Hence, it is always better to rent PS2 games online so that you can get everything you require.
Another important factor is trying before you buy. of the best advantages to rent PS2 games is that you can check before purchasing. Sometimes you can read a journal, and you finish up believing that the game is nice and choose you are going to buy it. Afterward you recognize this was not what you wanted. the opposite, sometimes they can avoid some of them because of cost or even a bad review, and miss something that later they recognize they would have liked. By opting for the choice to rent, you get to check titles before trying, make positive you only buy the games you love and have an interest in.
Nobody said that video game playing was an cheap hobby. In fact, the costs add up quickly in case you buy what you play. At least that was true until the game rental video took place online. Now you can sign up with every month designs that cost nothing and give you limitless access to games. Moreover, as mentioned above, by trying games before you buy, you can save funds on games you do not even get to enjoy.
Rent PS2 Games for as long as you like with No late fees. Return'em for new titles, or get great discounts to buy any PS2 games you cannot part with.
Whether you are a longtime player, or basically play for leisure and lifestyle, you will seldom be disappointed in case you rent online PS2 titles. Video game rental is a great method that lets you maximize your gambling experience. Whether you have less funds or are bored of the titles that you have or require to try before you buy. Renting video games opens up a variety of possibilities. Here are some reasons why you ought to rent PS2 games online.
It is true that plenty of people go to video shops or libraries in the event that they require to rent some of the latest games. However, these libraries or stores have limited stocks and if someone else takes the game you will must wait for it. This is a disadvantage. In case you require a small older version then you might get it or might not get it because these shops do not have everything. They cannot compete with the net games collection. Hence, it is always better to rent PS2 games online so that you can get everything you require.
Another important factor is trying before you buy. of the best advantages to rent PS2 games is that you can check before purchasing. Sometimes you can read a journal, and you finish up believing that the game is nice and choose you are going to buy it. Afterward you recognize this was not what you wanted. the opposite, sometimes they can avoid some of them because of cost or even a bad review, and miss something that later they recognize they would have liked. By opting for the choice to rent, you get to check titles before trying, make positive you only buy the games you love and have an interest in.
Nobody said that video game playing was an cheap hobby. In fact, the costs add up quickly in case you buy what you play. At least that was true until the game rental video took place online. Now you can sign up with every month designs that cost nothing and give you limitless access to games. Moreover, as mentioned above, by trying games before you buy, you can save funds on games you do not even get to enjoy.
Rent PS2 Games for as long as you like with No late fees. Return'em for new titles, or get great discounts to buy any PS2 games you cannot part with.
Friday, March 25, 2011
How a Hunter Fights a Shaman
First, you ought to know that shamans have no crowd control. Therefore, you don't must worry about being incapacitated by them. Besides, they would also suffer from exercising abilities to slow you down. Earthbind Totem is what a hunter fears most in all the weapons for shaman's use. But the situation is not so grey. Earthbink Totem contains merely two health & has a short 10-yard range. There is a delay in casting the snare & a long-lasting period of its influence on you when it is destroyed. It takes 15 seconds for dissolving the totem.
Shamans are unpredictable for their roles in any kind of battle. This type of ability makes them a hard & hazardous opponent in plenty of kinds of situations, in 1v1. They can play caster, healer, & melee & you are not likely to know what spec a shaman is until the last moment. However, there's definitely some shortcomings that Shamans have. To win over them, you need to keep in mind there important tips.
Another ability shamans have is Shock which has 20-yard range. This is around half of yours. Keeping these tips in mind will offer you an advantage in winning the battle. While the decisive factors lies in abilities you have, like Traps, Wing Clip, Concussive Shot, range, & your pet.
Lesser Healing Wave is the most powerful weapon a shaman has. You can not very cease it as the casting time is only one.5 seconds. But you can do things to reduce its destroy by means of fifth improved concussion shot, scatter shot, Auto Shot, Multi Shot, & Arcane Shot. Your pet can also contribute by speeding the casting of destroy pushback to which Elemental/Enhancement shamans have 70% resistance.
With the setbacks & merits of shamans in mind, you can do it fluently. What is more, you also have your own strongpoints! & your choice of gear will also select the result of the battle. So equipping your hunter the best gear is important . To earn more honor points or to race your level up, you can visit http://www.yehforgames.com/wow/pvp/hunter.htm
Viper Sting will also help you a lot. Customarily, to cleanse totem, shamans would use a poison. But this takes time & the poison won't be erased at the first attempt. In such circumstance, you ought to make sure your mana supply stands to the finish. Totems cost 4-5% of mana. Frequent casting of them would finish his life. As a hunter, your armor can resist a sure amount of Windfury destroy. So this fact forces a shaman to shock you often.
Shamans are unpredictable for their roles in any kind of battle. This type of ability makes them a hard & hazardous opponent in plenty of kinds of situations, in 1v1. They can play caster, healer, & melee & you are not likely to know what spec a shaman is until the last moment. However, there's definitely some shortcomings that Shamans have. To win over them, you need to keep in mind there important tips.
Another ability shamans have is Shock which has 20-yard range. This is around half of yours. Keeping these tips in mind will offer you an advantage in winning the battle. While the decisive factors lies in abilities you have, like Traps, Wing Clip, Concussive Shot, range, & your pet.
Lesser Healing Wave is the most powerful weapon a shaman has. You can not very cease it as the casting time is only one.5 seconds. But you can do things to reduce its destroy by means of fifth improved concussion shot, scatter shot, Auto Shot, Multi Shot, & Arcane Shot. Your pet can also contribute by speeding the casting of destroy pushback to which Elemental/Enhancement shamans have 70% resistance.
With the setbacks & merits of shamans in mind, you can do it fluently. What is more, you also have your own strongpoints! & your choice of gear will also select the result of the battle. So equipping your hunter the best gear is important . To earn more honor points or to race your level up, you can visit http://www.yehforgames.com/wow/pvp/hunter.htm
Viper Sting will also help you a lot. Customarily, to cleanse totem, shamans would use a poison. But this takes time & the poison won't be erased at the first attempt. In such circumstance, you ought to make sure your mana supply stands to the finish. Totems cost 4-5% of mana. Frequent casting of them would finish his life. As a hunter, your armor can resist a sure amount of Windfury destroy. So this fact forces a shaman to shock you often.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
How to Fix the Red Ring on Xbox 360
What do the red lights mean?
The red lights on an Xbox 360 is common & happens to lots of people. This is also called the ring of death. Usually, this indicates that the Xbox 360 is experiencing a hardware failure. This does not mean that it is broken for lovely. There's steps that you can take in order to repair your console.
To find out where the issue is coming from, there's some things you can do. First, restart your Xbox 360 to confirm that you are still seeing the lights. If so, then check to make definite your power supply is attached correctly. This is as simple as checking your power box to see what color it is showing. If the light is red, yellow, or is not lit at all, this means that there is a controversy occurring between your power outlet & the Xbox 360. If this is the issue, you can basically try unplugging your power supply & reconnecting it. This will assure you that your Xbox 360 power supply is attached properly.
How to fix the red lights
What now?
You can also try turning your Xbox 360 off for a few hours. Overheating could cause this issue on your console. If this is the issue, try placing your 360 in a cooler place in the future or purchase an intercooler. An intercooler hooks up to the back of your Xbox 360 & helps keep the technique cold.
In case you have tested your power supply & tried cooling down your technique, but you are still getting the ring of death, do not panic or jump to any conclusions. This most likely means that the issue lies within the Xbox 360. There is a way to fix this without spending tons of funds or going out & purchasing a new Xbox 360. There's step by step guides on how to fix the red lights. Most of them are not going to be free, but it is possible for you to to fix your Xbox 360 without the work of sending it off to Microsoft & dealing with shipping fees. Also, everytime you send your Xbox 360 to Microsoft, they are going to give you a refurbished that will most likely give you the same issue further down the road. The ideal thing to do is to fix the issue by yourself & this will only take you about 45 minutes to an hour. This will save you lots of funds & will have your Xbox 360 jogging like new in no time.
The red lights on an Xbox 360 is common & happens to lots of people. This is also called the ring of death. Usually, this indicates that the Xbox 360 is experiencing a hardware failure. This does not mean that it is broken for lovely. There's steps that you can take in order to repair your console.
To find out where the issue is coming from, there's some things you can do. First, restart your Xbox 360 to confirm that you are still seeing the lights. If so, then check to make definite your power supply is attached correctly. This is as simple as checking your power box to see what color it is showing. If the light is red, yellow, or is not lit at all, this means that there is a controversy occurring between your power outlet & the Xbox 360. If this is the issue, you can basically try unplugging your power supply & reconnecting it. This will assure you that your Xbox 360 power supply is attached properly.
How to fix the red lights
What now?
You can also try turning your Xbox 360 off for a few hours. Overheating could cause this issue on your console. If this is the issue, try placing your 360 in a cooler place in the future or purchase an intercooler. An intercooler hooks up to the back of your Xbox 360 & helps keep the technique cold.
In case you have tested your power supply & tried cooling down your technique, but you are still getting the ring of death, do not panic or jump to any conclusions. This most likely means that the issue lies within the Xbox 360. There is a way to fix this without spending tons of funds or going out & purchasing a new Xbox 360. There's step by step guides on how to fix the red lights. Most of them are not going to be free, but it is possible for you to to fix your Xbox 360 without the work of sending it off to Microsoft & dealing with shipping fees. Also, everytime you send your Xbox 360 to Microsoft, they are going to give you a refurbished that will most likely give you the same issue further down the road. The ideal thing to do is to fix the issue by yourself & this will only take you about 45 minutes to an hour. This will save you lots of funds & will have your Xbox 360 jogging like new in no time.
Follow Me: Benefits
Easy to Teach
It takes about ten minutes to learn the use interface & another 10-15 to truly master it. This is a immense benefit in time constrained learning environments because it allows the student to quickly get to the heart of why they are using the program which is to learn, they are not there to become specialists at playing the game. Games such as first person shooters need the player to be proficient at the controls in order to play the game well. The game itself is an hindrance because of this. If a new player is thinking about the controls for example "what key do I press to get in to the prone position" they are not thinking about tactical decisions, they are more focused on game decisions.
Correct Echelon
Arguably of the most important aspects is what level will the player be "commanding" their units. They are producing platoon leaders therefore our cadets require to be making platoon level decisions. In a first person shooter game that would need at least 30 more players to simulate a whole platoon. In some FPS games you have the ability to control AI soldiers as part of a squad or team, in other words person could control a squads worth of AI soldiers. The issue with this is that it increases the learning curve immensely & would need significantly more time to become proficient at doing. Another more critical drawback is that the AI soldiers are not smart, they won't react like actual soldiers, after all it is a game. The issue is the human player will expect them to, & when they do not, the human player becomes frustrated & loses focus, another distraction. In our classes they usually have 18 cadets. In the hour of class time they have with them, they would like everyone of them to make platoon level decisions.
Lots of institutions & organizations have limited resources. ROTC units usually do not own their own computer labs & must depend on university resources. Time is another resource that few of us have, or hours being the norm. In our case they only hours of class time with our cadets over the work of a week. & last but not least is personnel. Follow Me does not need 30 players in order to do a platoon operation, a single player can play the game & still make platoon level decisions. Our classes are maxed out at 18 cadets. They do not have the ability to field a whole platoon nor do they have the time to rotate everyone through as platoon leaders. Follow Me lets us train all 18 cadets at the appropriate level in an hours worth of class time.
Flat Learning Curve
There's a total of 11 commands in the current version of the game. Unlike most games Follow Me was specifically designed for the classroom thus it had to be simple to teach & straightforward to learn. In designing Follow Me they made no distinction between the learning audience or their instructors. In most cases both groups would have tiny to know experience in using a game to learn or teach. They wanted the instructors to be comfortable using the game & they wanted the players to be comfortable playing the game. Keeping it simple was of the guiding principles in designing the game.
Turnkey Gambling Technique
Follow Me is a sturdy gambling "system" that allows the organization to personalize it based on their needs. Maps, icons, equipment, & special media, can all be created by the user. Maps are created using a paint program such as Paint Shop or Gimp which is a free shareware paint program & for the sake of this conversation as powerful as Paint Shop. Icons are created using an icon editor such as Axialis or a free shareware editor like IconFx. Special media files are pics, audio files, film clips, or text messages, that are used to generate events in the Follow Me. For example in a recent exercise they used events to generate role playing opportunities for the cadets to solve. First a picture would be displayed showing the situation & describing the event. If the cadet desired to act on it they had to move to the roleplaying area. A role player would then proceed to that role playing area & start interacting with the cadet.
It takes about ten minutes to learn the use interface & another 10-15 to truly master it. This is a immense benefit in time constrained learning environments because it allows the student to quickly get to the heart of why they are using the program which is to learn, they are not there to become specialists at playing the game. Games such as first person shooters need the player to be proficient at the controls in order to play the game well. The game itself is an hindrance because of this. If a new player is thinking about the controls for example "what key do I press to get in to the prone position" they are not thinking about tactical decisions, they are more focused on game decisions.
Correct Echelon
Arguably of the most important aspects is what level will the player be "commanding" their units. They are producing platoon leaders therefore our cadets require to be making platoon level decisions. In a first person shooter game that would need at least 30 more players to simulate a whole platoon. In some FPS games you have the ability to control AI soldiers as part of a squad or team, in other words person could control a squads worth of AI soldiers. The issue with this is that it increases the learning curve immensely & would need significantly more time to become proficient at doing. Another more critical drawback is that the AI soldiers are not smart, they won't react like actual soldiers, after all it is a game. The issue is the human player will expect them to, & when they do not, the human player becomes frustrated & loses focus, another distraction. In our classes they usually have 18 cadets. In the hour of class time they have with them, they would like everyone of them to make platoon level decisions.
Lots of institutions & organizations have limited resources. ROTC units usually do not own their own computer labs & must depend on university resources. Time is another resource that few of us have, or hours being the norm. In our case they only hours of class time with our cadets over the work of a week. & last but not least is personnel. Follow Me does not need 30 players in order to do a platoon operation, a single player can play the game & still make platoon level decisions. Our classes are maxed out at 18 cadets. They do not have the ability to field a whole platoon nor do they have the time to rotate everyone through as platoon leaders. Follow Me lets us train all 18 cadets at the appropriate level in an hours worth of class time.
Flat Learning Curve
There's a total of 11 commands in the current version of the game. Unlike most games Follow Me was specifically designed for the classroom thus it had to be simple to teach & straightforward to learn. In designing Follow Me they made no distinction between the learning audience or their instructors. In most cases both groups would have tiny to know experience in using a game to learn or teach. They wanted the instructors to be comfortable using the game & they wanted the players to be comfortable playing the game. Keeping it simple was of the guiding principles in designing the game.
Turnkey Gambling Technique
Follow Me is a sturdy gambling "system" that allows the organization to personalize it based on their needs. Maps, icons, equipment, & special media, can all be created by the user. Maps are created using a paint program such as Paint Shop or Gimp which is a free shareware paint program & for the sake of this conversation as powerful as Paint Shop. Icons are created using an icon editor such as Axialis or a free shareware editor like IconFx. Special media files are pics, audio files, film clips, or text messages, that are used to generate events in the Follow Me. For example in a recent exercise they used events to generate role playing opportunities for the cadets to solve. First a picture would be displayed showing the situation & describing the event. If the cadet desired to act on it they had to move to the roleplaying area. A role player would then proceed to that role playing area & start interacting with the cadet.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Fixing The PS3 YLOD Has Never Been Simpler
Heat is the primary downside to all devices, it is the enemy of electrical powered parts. An excessive amount of heating might cause equipment to fail and may destroy your process. everything must be kept icy to operate correctly, this includes your own PlayStation five process.
Understanding the right way to repair a PlayStation five at your house is not difficult. everything through the PS3 YLOD (yellow light of death) on to the red blinking light is a result of a single thing; the gambling console heating up. Five times you examine this complete short news story you will notice the reason why heat messes up your console and the ways to cease and prevent it.
Even while dust finish up being blown in to the process it becomes caught on all types of spots. Everything from the process sister board to the tiny parts which are soldered on to the main board are usually locations where airborne debris and debris are usually found. All of this crud accumulates inside the process and prevents it from cooling down, it behaves as a quilt.
Blowers are first in the line of protection vs. high temperature. They bring icy oxygen in and press heat away, this is the key downside to blowers. There is no filtration process to prevent dirt and crud from entering in to your process. While icy air is being driven in to the process hairs, dirt, dust, and plenty of types of other items are brought in .
If the blowers on your process can not icy down the machine themselves it is named overheating. Overheating, as I already have said, is without a doubt the principle root cause of all issues. Yet, the lovely thing is it is an uncomplicated issue to repair.
To start with, make definite you have room around the PlayStation five to be definite that air comes in. I recommend keeping no less than foot in all directions wide open and free of blockage. This will permit sufficient icy air to come in with out it getting stopped or heated up by all sorts of things around it.
Next, and above all, get in to your process and employ a tin of pressurized air to get every thing out. Blow off the main board, blow out the fans, and blow out any soil or crud you can see. I actually do this job every five months or thereabouts. This is apparently a lovely amount of time in between cleanings but it will modify for you personally based on your lifestyle.
Next, be definite you do not have your Ps3 on the floor. Every small thing falls on the floor, from a hair floating in the air to dirt out of your sneakers will finish up on the floor. This might cause soil build up and can consequently trigger over heating.
Don't let the PS3 yellow light error to get you down. It is really simple to correct when you have an amazing repair guide. I have analyzed the best selling PS3 YLOD repair books obtainable on my webpage where I am also offering a rebate. Check out my PS3 YLOD review in order to save yourself a pile of funds right now by repairing the PS3 yellow light error by yourself in under one hour.
Understanding the right way to repair a PlayStation five at your house is not difficult. everything through the PS3 YLOD (yellow light of death) on to the red blinking light is a result of a single thing; the gambling console heating up. Five times you examine this complete short news story you will notice the reason why heat messes up your console and the ways to cease and prevent it.
Even while dust finish up being blown in to the process it becomes caught on all types of spots. Everything from the process sister board to the tiny parts which are soldered on to the main board are usually locations where airborne debris and debris are usually found. All of this crud accumulates inside the process and prevents it from cooling down, it behaves as a quilt.
Blowers are first in the line of protection vs. high temperature. They bring icy oxygen in and press heat away, this is the key downside to blowers. There is no filtration process to prevent dirt and crud from entering in to your process. While icy air is being driven in to the process hairs, dirt, dust, and plenty of types of other items are brought in .
If the blowers on your process can not icy down the machine themselves it is named overheating. Overheating, as I already have said, is without a doubt the principle root cause of all issues. Yet, the lovely thing is it is an uncomplicated issue to repair.
To start with, make definite you have room around the PlayStation five to be definite that air comes in. I recommend keeping no less than foot in all directions wide open and free of blockage. This will permit sufficient icy air to come in with out it getting stopped or heated up by all sorts of things around it.
Next, and above all, get in to your process and employ a tin of pressurized air to get every thing out. Blow off the main board, blow out the fans, and blow out any soil or crud you can see. I actually do this job every five months or thereabouts. This is apparently a lovely amount of time in between cleanings but it will modify for you personally based on your lifestyle.
Next, be definite you do not have your Ps3 on the floor. Every small thing falls on the floor, from a hair floating in the air to dirt out of your sneakers will finish up on the floor. This might cause soil build up and can consequently trigger over heating.
Don't let the PS3 yellow light error to get you down. It is really simple to correct when you have an amazing repair guide. I have analyzed the best selling PS3 YLOD repair books obtainable on my webpage where I am also offering a rebate. Check out my PS3 YLOD review in order to save yourself a pile of funds right now by repairing the PS3 yellow light error by yourself in under one hour.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Nintendo Innovates Again With the 3DS
The Nintendo 3DS is the latest transportable gambling console from Nintendo. As the name suggests, the console will feature games that you can play in 3D. In case you have seen James Cameron's Avatar in IMAX then you know exactly what kind of 3D element you will experience with the 3DS. However, the giant difference is that your orientation with the 3D effect will always be correct since you are holding it in a handheld. In addition, you don't even need 3D glasses to experience the 3D effect, unlike your film experience. In case you don't like the 3D effect for some reason, you can turn it off with the depth slider accessory.
Nintendo is the king when it comes to gambling innovation. Nintendo as a company has been a pioneer when it comes to transportable gambling since the 80's up through the 90's with their Game & Watch line of handheld games. Nintendo, which was founded over 100 years ago, is still a leader in innovation when it comes to console gambling. Now, the company is still proving they are a market leader & a trendsetter with the introduction of the Nintendo 3DS.
The Nintendo 3DS is in the same skew as the DS line of Nintendo transportable gambling handheld. This means that you can play Nintendo DS & Nintendo DSi games with full backward compatibility. However, let me tell you that backward compatible games won't be played in 3D. The 3DS is head & shoulders above the Gameboy & the DSi when it comes to power & features. That said, the machine has fundamentally the same structure as the DS or DSi. It's a top screen & a lower LCD touchscreen that can be manipulated with a stylus. Not only that, the 3DS has outer cameras that can see in marvelous 3D very like human eyes.
The feature set & enhancements in the Nintendo 3DS goes on & on. Do you know that the controller for the 3DS has also been improved? In case you look at the upper left side of the bottom screen, you will notice the Circle Pad analog controller. This controller was made for quick control & precision when it comes to playing 3D games.
In case you need to learn more (& think me, there is more) about the Nintendo 3DS & all its features, you need to visit the Ren Becker's Nintendo weblog net site, which can be found below to find out the latest & hottest news & reviews about all things Nintendo.
You will also surely appreciate the wireless capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS. It features wireless information transfers at three.4 Ghz & it can also connect seamlessly with wireless hotspots & WLAN access points. This awesome piece of hardware is also expandable using SDHC cards. It even comes with a three GB SD card free.
Nintendo is the king when it comes to gambling innovation. Nintendo as a company has been a pioneer when it comes to transportable gambling since the 80's up through the 90's with their Game & Watch line of handheld games. Nintendo, which was founded over 100 years ago, is still a leader in innovation when it comes to console gambling. Now, the company is still proving they are a market leader & a trendsetter with the introduction of the Nintendo 3DS.
The Nintendo 3DS is in the same skew as the DS line of Nintendo transportable gambling handheld. This means that you can play Nintendo DS & Nintendo DSi games with full backward compatibility. However, let me tell you that backward compatible games won't be played in 3D. The 3DS is head & shoulders above the Gameboy & the DSi when it comes to power & features. That said, the machine has fundamentally the same structure as the DS or DSi. It's a top screen & a lower LCD touchscreen that can be manipulated with a stylus. Not only that, the 3DS has outer cameras that can see in marvelous 3D very like human eyes.
The feature set & enhancements in the Nintendo 3DS goes on & on. Do you know that the controller for the 3DS has also been improved? In case you look at the upper left side of the bottom screen, you will notice the Circle Pad analog controller. This controller was made for quick control & precision when it comes to playing 3D games.
In case you need to learn more (& think me, there is more) about the Nintendo 3DS & all its features, you need to visit the Ren Becker's Nintendo weblog net site, which can be found below to find out the latest & hottest news & reviews about all things Nintendo.
You will also surely appreciate the wireless capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS. It features wireless information transfers at three.4 Ghz & it can also connect seamlessly with wireless hotspots & WLAN access points. This awesome piece of hardware is also expandable using SDHC cards. It even comes with a three GB SD card free.
Play the Desktop Destroyer Christmas Game for Peace of Mind
The maker of the Desktop Destroyer game felt the necessity to offer game players something matchless that could help them get rid of stress arising in their day-to-day life. People get frustrated because of lots of things and to vent out their anger, they look for sources. Thus, playing this game is indeed a pleasant way to reduce the stress a bit.
The Christmas edition of the Desktop Destroyer game is truly far more fascinating to play compared to the original. You may play this version to do away with stress and feel relaxed. Here, the weapons are different. This game is popular as stress reducer that helps people to relieve their stress to a major extent. The primary objective of playing this game is to damage your computer desktop giving it an ugly look.
Likewise, there's some people, who strongly hate a celebrity or known person. You may kick such on-screen characters away while playing the game through use of different weapons. Release all frustrated feelings that you have for any individual and thus, beat stress. In fact, playing this game is like actually knocking objects that you detest.
Lots of circumstances lead to frustration. Take for example you have a college project open on the computer's desktop on which you are unable to work properly. Here, to demonstrate your anger over the project, you may open the Desktop Destroyer Christmas game file and can pick weapons after the other to damage your project files on the desktop.
You may pick any weapon through numeric 1-9 on the keyboard. Pressing each number gets you each particular weapon. You may start playing the game depending on the mouse settings (right or left button). People may even switch between weapons using the mouse. As for quitting this game, you merely must press the ESC button.
In case you detest cartoons and flicks, then using each weapon from the Desktop Destroyer Christmas game, kick the characters off in no time. Think about playing this game to damage anything that you do not require to see on your desktop. Keep in mind that destroying each hateful aspect visually might assist you in getting relief from undesirable stress.
Gemtree Inc. developed this magnificent game as a freeware so it does not require a license. Moreover, it does not hold any limitations. The file size of the game is around 370.03KB. In case you require to try out the game, you require to have a Windows operating system
The Christmas edition of the Desktop Destroyer game is truly far more fascinating to play compared to the original. You may play this version to do away with stress and feel relaxed. Here, the weapons are different. This game is popular as stress reducer that helps people to relieve their stress to a major extent. The primary objective of playing this game is to damage your computer desktop giving it an ugly look.
Likewise, there's some people, who strongly hate a celebrity or known person. You may kick such on-screen characters away while playing the game through use of different weapons. Release all frustrated feelings that you have for any individual and thus, beat stress. In fact, playing this game is like actually knocking objects that you detest.
Lots of circumstances lead to frustration. Take for example you have a college project open on the computer's desktop on which you are unable to work properly. Here, to demonstrate your anger over the project, you may open the Desktop Destroyer Christmas game file and can pick weapons after the other to damage your project files on the desktop.
You may pick any weapon through numeric 1-9 on the keyboard. Pressing each number gets you each particular weapon. You may start playing the game depending on the mouse settings (right or left button). People may even switch between weapons using the mouse. As for quitting this game, you merely must press the ESC button.
In case you detest cartoons and flicks, then using each weapon from the Desktop Destroyer Christmas game, kick the characters off in no time. Think about playing this game to damage anything that you do not require to see on your desktop. Keep in mind that destroying each hateful aspect visually might assist you in getting relief from undesirable stress.
Gemtree Inc. developed this magnificent game as a freeware so it does not require a license. Moreover, it does not hold any limitations. The file size of the game is around 370.03KB. In case you require to try out the game, you require to have a Windows operating system
Monday, March 21, 2011
Follow Me: History
In the spring of 2008 the Warfighting Simulation Middle or WARCEN was given the requirement to provide a low overhead, simple to make use of, simulation that would permit 1000 cadet's to assume the role of a light infantry platoon leader. The game had to be simple to learn in about 15 to twenty minutes & provide some feedback on how well the cadet performed.
In the coursework of our evaluation they looked at several commercial off the shelf programs but of them came close to meeting all of our requirements; ease of use, & the ability to basically change maps, icons, & special media. They identified a serious game called, "Follow Me", developed by Decisive-Point of Kansas City, MO which met all of our requirements. Due to the successful use of Follow Me in the coursework of the capstone exercise, it was decided that it ought to be integrated in to our third year tactics coursework MS300.
The gap between classroom instruction & practical application has always existed in regards to tactics training. Although the capstone version of Follow Me met our requirements for that exercise, it did not meet our requirements for integration in to MS300. Follow Me was developed to meet a specific require here at the Academy, but its application in other institutions is obvious. Follow Me has applicability in the Reserve Officer Training Coursework at other universities, as well as other traditional Army schooling & training institutions such as the Infantry & Armor schools. In the regular Army, including the reserve & national guard parts, Follow Me can be used to teach, improve, & maintain, tactical issue solving at the platoon & company level.
In the coursework of our evaluation they looked at several commercial off the shelf programs but of them came close to meeting all of our requirements; ease of use, & the ability to basically change maps, icons, & special media. They identified a serious game called, "Follow Me", developed by Decisive-Point of Kansas City, MO which met all of our requirements. Due to the successful use of Follow Me in the coursework of the capstone exercise, it was decided that it ought to be integrated in to our third year tactics coursework MS300.
The gap between classroom instruction & practical application has always existed in regards to tactics training. Although the capstone version of Follow Me met our requirements for that exercise, it did not meet our requirements for integration in to MS300. Follow Me was developed to meet a specific require here at the Academy, but its application in other institutions is obvious. Follow Me has applicability in the Reserve Officer Training Coursework at other universities, as well as other traditional Army schooling & training institutions such as the Infantry & Armor schools. In the regular Army, including the reserve & national guard parts, Follow Me can be used to teach, improve, & maintain, tactical issue solving at the platoon & company level.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Best Cataclysm Gold Farming Spots - Cataclysm Gold Secrets
Here are my top five cataclysm gold making strategies.
Looking for the best cataclysm gold farming spots? Now that cataclysm is out & been live now for awhile trends are emerging & in case you are a clever gamer you can take advantage of this, & make lots of gold.
Herbs - My top picks for herbs that will be the most profitable are, Whiptail & Twilight Jasmine. These are the premium herbs to keep an eye & will always be in hot demand. The best spot I have found for farming whiptail is in Uldum. collect & run through the middle of the zone, around the main river & lake, & you ought to find drop rates for whiptail first rate indeed.
Mining - As always mining tops the list for of the most profitable professions & it is simple to understand why this is still hot in the new expansion. Crafting is still in huge demand & blacksmithing & jewelcrafting are huge professions that eat ores & bars like no tomorrow, so here are the best metals to keep on eye on. First is Elementium both ores & bars. Jewelcrafters will be going through huge quantities of this stuff but the actual profits will in bars. Second on the list is Pyrite. Currently crafters are beginning to find some first rate recipes & this will be the premium metal in cataclysm so discover a first rate mining path & you can rake in the gold with pyrite.
Volatiles - These are cataclysm's version of the elementals. As usual this stuff comes as water, air, fire, earth & life. Lots of demand & there's some actual first rate high finish recipes that need this stuff & will always be in hot demand.
Looking for the best cataclysm gold farming spots? Now that cataclysm is out & been live now for awhile trends are emerging & in case you are a clever gamer you can take advantage of this, & make lots of gold.
Herbs - My top picks for herbs that will be the most profitable are, Whiptail & Twilight Jasmine. These are the premium herbs to keep an eye & will always be in hot demand. The best spot I have found for farming whiptail is in Uldum. collect & run through the middle of the zone, around the main river & lake, & you ought to find drop rates for whiptail first rate indeed.
Mining - As always mining tops the list for of the most profitable professions & it is simple to understand why this is still hot in the new expansion. Crafting is still in huge demand & blacksmithing & jewelcrafting are huge professions that eat ores & bars like no tomorrow, so here are the best metals to keep on eye on. First is Elementium both ores & bars. Jewelcrafters will be going through huge quantities of this stuff but the actual profits will in bars. Second on the list is Pyrite. Currently crafters are beginning to find some first rate recipes & this will be the premium metal in cataclysm so discover a first rate mining path & you can rake in the gold with pyrite.
Volatiles - These are cataclysm's version of the elementals. As usual this stuff comes as water, air, fire, earth & life. Lots of demand & there's some actual first rate high finish recipes that need this stuff & will always be in hot demand.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Rift Defiant Leveling Guide
Defiant players start their adventure in Terminus. You'll be leveling there for some time (about till level 7), after which you'll move on to Freemarch. In Freemarch you'll also visit your capital city as well as gain access to your first instance, Iron Tombs. Capital city for the Guardians is Sanctum, and for Defiants Meridian. The Rifts that spawn here are Fire and Life. You'll be leveling in Freemarch until 17-20.
If you are a fan of the popular and recently released game Rift then no doubt you know a small bit about it. There's main factions in this game, The Defiant and The Guardian, and irrespective of which you picked you'll must level up. There were historicallyin the past released Guardian leveling guides, but a recent addition is a leveling guide for the Defiant faction which you may require to check out if you are playing this faction.
After that you will move to a zone caled Stonefield. It is wise not to come in to this zone before you are level twenty at least or you will have trouble finishing quests and killing monsters. Stonefield has Earth and Death rifts spawning throughout the zone, as well as the Deepstrike Mines instance to keep you occupied. This zone is also fascinating due to several puzzles which have excellent rewards.
After Terminus and Stonefield you'll finally be in Scarlet Gorge in which the members of other faction are leveling up as well. That means you'll require to watch your back on a regular basis if you are on a PvP server or else you can get ganked. Scarlet Gorge is separated in to zones though: the Defiants are on the south side and the Guardians on the North. Scarlet Gorge has mostly Fire rifts, and contains an fascinating dungeon called Foul Cascade. Make positive you are at least level 32 before you move out of this zone or else you will have trouble with quests and mobs. Participate in some invasions, do your every day Warfront quest and clear out the dungeons more time if you are missing experience. The more levels before you reach the next zone the simpler and faster you'll level up.
After Foul Cascade you'll move on to Scarwood Reach. It is populated by Life rifts mostly and it also has a dungeon called King's Breach. Additional puzzles can be found here as well which I recommend finishing for respectable experience and item rewards. Try not to move out of Scarwood Reach before you hit at least level 35. As before make positive you do dungeons, warfronts and rifts if you are out of quests and require more experience, although in case you followed my earlier advice it should not be an issue.
Next area is Moonshade Highlands, where you'll find the Runic Descent dungeon. You ought to gain level 42 here, after which you'll move on to Droughtlands which has the Lantern Hook instance and is designed up to level 46.
Three times you reach the current level cap of 50, you'll have numerous options. You can participate in more rifts and invasions, battle in warfronts against other players, gank lowbies, work on your professions, do some instances and raiding and more. Reaching the level cap as quickly as feasible is important since the actual game begins at 50.
If you are a fan of the popular and recently released game Rift then no doubt you know a small bit about it. There's main factions in this game, The Defiant and The Guardian, and irrespective of which you picked you'll must level up. There were historicallyin the past released Guardian leveling guides, but a recent addition is a leveling guide for the Defiant faction which you may require to check out if you are playing this faction.
After that you will move to a zone caled Stonefield. It is wise not to come in to this zone before you are level twenty at least or you will have trouble finishing quests and killing monsters. Stonefield has Earth and Death rifts spawning throughout the zone, as well as the Deepstrike Mines instance to keep you occupied. This zone is also fascinating due to several puzzles which have excellent rewards.
After Terminus and Stonefield you'll finally be in Scarlet Gorge in which the members of other faction are leveling up as well. That means you'll require to watch your back on a regular basis if you are on a PvP server or else you can get ganked. Scarlet Gorge is separated in to zones though: the Defiants are on the south side and the Guardians on the North. Scarlet Gorge has mostly Fire rifts, and contains an fascinating dungeon called Foul Cascade. Make positive you are at least level 32 before you move out of this zone or else you will have trouble with quests and mobs. Participate in some invasions, do your every day Warfront quest and clear out the dungeons more time if you are missing experience. The more levels before you reach the next zone the simpler and faster you'll level up.
After Foul Cascade you'll move on to Scarwood Reach. It is populated by Life rifts mostly and it also has a dungeon called King's Breach. Additional puzzles can be found here as well which I recommend finishing for respectable experience and item rewards. Try not to move out of Scarwood Reach before you hit at least level 35. As before make positive you do dungeons, warfronts and rifts if you are out of quests and require more experience, although in case you followed my earlier advice it should not be an issue.
Next area is Moonshade Highlands, where you'll find the Runic Descent dungeon. You ought to gain level 42 here, after which you'll move on to Droughtlands which has the Lantern Hook instance and is designed up to level 46.
Three times you reach the current level cap of 50, you'll have numerous options. You can participate in more rifts and invasions, battle in warfronts against other players, gank lowbies, work on your professions, do some instances and raiding and more. Reaching the level cap as quickly as feasible is important since the actual game begins at 50.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Rift Leveling Builds - Use The Best Build To Power Level Your Character
All video games have different stages or challenges in which the main character has to successfully conquer in order to see the next level. In the event you successfully complete the different stages, you will probably successfully complete the game. The same holds true for the game that plenty of people are raving about, Rift.
Are you looking for ways to quickly complete different levels, then it is safe to say that you are looking for Rift Leveling Builds?
one. Rifts - Not only is the main theme of the game, but as well as a way for you to level up. Rifts represent the portals that connect different worlds. Usually when a Rift opens up, you will be challenged by a hideous creature. Sometimes you will must defeat them by yourself, & will have a hard time. The more you play, you get the help of other players that may be close by. By defeating the different monsters & finally the boss of the pack, you won't only be able to collect different rewards, but it is possible for you to to level up quickly. Embrace the chance to face this sort of challenge.
In the event you follow a number of the simple tips below, it is possible for you to to level up quickly.
three. Instances - This is a fancy way of describing a dungeon challenge. Again, like Rifts, you will have plenty of of these to face. Every time you face this type of challenge, you will require the help of other players. You will have a daunting task ahead because not only will you require to defeat a multiple of monsters, but you will also must face & kill a few hard skinned bosses. Every time a monster or a boss is killed, you will be rewarded with better battle equipment require to face your journey & you will also earn some valuable experience points.
three. Quests - Throughout the game, you will be introduced with different quests. This is of the main ways to level up in Rift. The benefit to doing a search includes finding protective & battle equipment. You also get to increase your character's fighting power.
Using a step-by-step Rift Mastery Guide to help you quickly level up your character.
When you get the guide, you will learn some special tips & tricks that will help provide focus to your game playing. There's so plenty of things to discover & in the event you didn't have the proper tips, you could potentially spend weeks & months trying to figure out a specific challenge. The guide will help you reduce the time needed to complete the different challenges.
Are you looking for ways to quickly complete different levels, then it is safe to say that you are looking for Rift Leveling Builds?
one. Rifts - Not only is the main theme of the game, but as well as a way for you to level up. Rifts represent the portals that connect different worlds. Usually when a Rift opens up, you will be challenged by a hideous creature. Sometimes you will must defeat them by yourself, & will have a hard time. The more you play, you get the help of other players that may be close by. By defeating the different monsters & finally the boss of the pack, you won't only be able to collect different rewards, but it is possible for you to to level up quickly. Embrace the chance to face this sort of challenge.
In the event you follow a number of the simple tips below, it is possible for you to to level up quickly.
three. Instances - This is a fancy way of describing a dungeon challenge. Again, like Rifts, you will have plenty of of these to face. Every time you face this type of challenge, you will require the help of other players. You will have a daunting task ahead because not only will you require to defeat a multiple of monsters, but you will also must face & kill a few hard skinned bosses. Every time a monster or a boss is killed, you will be rewarded with better battle equipment require to face your journey & you will also earn some valuable experience points.
three. Quests - Throughout the game, you will be introduced with different quests. This is of the main ways to level up in Rift. The benefit to doing a search includes finding protective & battle equipment. You also get to increase your character's fighting power.
Using a step-by-step Rift Mastery Guide to help you quickly level up your character.
When you get the guide, you will learn some special tips & tricks that will help provide focus to your game playing. There's so plenty of things to discover & in the event you didn't have the proper tips, you could potentially spend weeks & months trying to figure out a specific challenge. The guide will help you reduce the time needed to complete the different challenges.
Which Headset to Buy? A Basic Guide to Buying a Gaming Headset
One of the comparatively giant decisions that recreational game enthusiasts finally must make is whether or not to further invest extra money in to a gambling headset. Gambling consoles, & the games themselves are already expensive . Then, when you factor in the cost of net in the event you didn't already have it, and the connection service that is sometimes necessary to log on, gambling can grow to be a expensive hobby quickly.
However, in the event you either prefer gambling over most other pursuits that can strain your wallet, have larger amounts of disposable income, or are a bit more serious than the average recreational gamer, then a headset is likely going to be a call that will garner a fair amount of consideration.
The recreational & serious, or hardcore, gamer similar need to ask themselves some questions when deciding whether or not to buy a gambling headset. This editorial will go over the most important points, & the additional factors that ought to be thought about when making a purchase.
The first, & most important query that any consumer, needs to ask before making a purchase, is of work the cost. It doesn't matter in the event you are a competitive online gamer, or looking to buy a new book, you need to know what you are getting for whatever amount of money you are spending. When it comes to gambling headsets, there's a selection of options, & a corresponding range of prices. Being attentive to the features that tend to correspond to a positive cost point is key to making the purchasing experience productive. There's likely to be giant differences between headsets averaging $90 & those that average double that amount.
Second, is ease of use. Others may put other factors ahead of this, but it stands to reason that in the event you cannot use the headset without relative ease, it is not worth the cost, no matter the cost. headset may have an brilliant array of features, but be problematic to get it set up. If there is more equipment for the headset to work than there is for the computer or console, there may be better choices.
Next would be whether or not the headset is comfortable. In any headset, whether DJ headphones, a gambling headset, or ear buds for an MP3 player, comfort is paramount. Plenty of game enthusiasts enjoy logging on for extended sessions on the weekends or free days that can last for hours. If your ears start aching after thirty minutes forcing you to take your headset off to rest, it deprives you of an improved experience & shortens the session. Looking for a headset that fits comfortably around your ears in lieu of on your ears is a usually a nice decision, & straightforward information to find out.
Finally, there is the issue of whether or not the headset is compatible with other systems, across multiple platforms & electronic devices. Plenty of game enthusiasts have a platform of choice, but may play occasionally on a platform different than what they normally prefer. An example would be an Xbox 360 gamer, who occasionally plays on online game from his PC. If they gets rid of either the Xbox 360 or PC for a Mac or other console, they would require to know if his new headset would still work with the new platform. Also, some headsets are simple to make use of with TVs, Blu Ray & DVD players. Being able to make use of a headset for over gambling fundamentally lets you amortize the cost, & narrows down worthwhile options.
Last, but definitely not the least most important point to think about, is sound quality. Plenty of headsets can surround sound, but there is more to think about. Does the headset have noise cancelling capabilities? Some microphones have automatic muting depending on whether it is in the "up" position. You will also need to pick whether or not there is a giant difference between four.1 & 7.1 digital surround sound. Thinking about that the decision is whether or not to buy a headset, & in the event you select to do so, which headset, issues such as sound quality are of great importance. For most, comfort & sound quality are the most important factors outside of cost that go in to making a purchase.
There's other factors that may be thought about when purchasing a new gambling headset, but these are the giant ones that ought to be answered first. Each buyer will have positive purchasing points they are willing to compromise on, but in the finish, this ought to serve as a basic guide for your future purchasing needs.
However, in the event you either prefer gambling over most other pursuits that can strain your wallet, have larger amounts of disposable income, or are a bit more serious than the average recreational gamer, then a headset is likely going to be a call that will garner a fair amount of consideration.
The recreational & serious, or hardcore, gamer similar need to ask themselves some questions when deciding whether or not to buy a gambling headset. This editorial will go over the most important points, & the additional factors that ought to be thought about when making a purchase.
The first, & most important query that any consumer, needs to ask before making a purchase, is of work the cost. It doesn't matter in the event you are a competitive online gamer, or looking to buy a new book, you need to know what you are getting for whatever amount of money you are spending. When it comes to gambling headsets, there's a selection of options, & a corresponding range of prices. Being attentive to the features that tend to correspond to a positive cost point is key to making the purchasing experience productive. There's likely to be giant differences between headsets averaging $90 & those that average double that amount.
Second, is ease of use. Others may put other factors ahead of this, but it stands to reason that in the event you cannot use the headset without relative ease, it is not worth the cost, no matter the cost. headset may have an brilliant array of features, but be problematic to get it set up. If there is more equipment for the headset to work than there is for the computer or console, there may be better choices.
Next would be whether or not the headset is comfortable. In any headset, whether DJ headphones, a gambling headset, or ear buds for an MP3 player, comfort is paramount. Plenty of game enthusiasts enjoy logging on for extended sessions on the weekends or free days that can last for hours. If your ears start aching after thirty minutes forcing you to take your headset off to rest, it deprives you of an improved experience & shortens the session. Looking for a headset that fits comfortably around your ears in lieu of on your ears is a usually a nice decision, & straightforward information to find out.
Finally, there is the issue of whether or not the headset is compatible with other systems, across multiple platforms & electronic devices. Plenty of game enthusiasts have a platform of choice, but may play occasionally on a platform different than what they normally prefer. An example would be an Xbox 360 gamer, who occasionally plays on online game from his PC. If they gets rid of either the Xbox 360 or PC for a Mac or other console, they would require to know if his new headset would still work with the new platform. Also, some headsets are simple to make use of with TVs, Blu Ray & DVD players. Being able to make use of a headset for over gambling fundamentally lets you amortize the cost, & narrows down worthwhile options.
Last, but definitely not the least most important point to think about, is sound quality. Plenty of headsets can surround sound, but there is more to think about. Does the headset have noise cancelling capabilities? Some microphones have automatic muting depending on whether it is in the "up" position. You will also need to pick whether or not there is a giant difference between four.1 & 7.1 digital surround sound. Thinking about that the decision is whether or not to buy a headset, & in the event you select to do so, which headset, issues such as sound quality are of great importance. For most, comfort & sound quality are the most important factors outside of cost that go in to making a purchase.
There's other factors that may be thought about when purchasing a new gambling headset, but these are the giant ones that ought to be answered first. Each buyer will have positive purchasing points they are willing to compromise on, but in the finish, this ought to serve as a basic guide for your future purchasing needs.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Rift Cleric Souls Guide - Great Souls For The Cleric Class
If you have been having challenges, getting over a sure level or finishing a specific stage, it is feasible that you may not fully understand your character. This editorial will speak about the different cleric souls you can select from and the way you can quickly level your Cleric up to level 50.
If you are currently playing Rift, you are probably looking for a Rift Cleric Souls Guide. Cleric characters have powers that are similar to a wizard or warlock. They can craft some deadly spells to fight plenty of different characters or to generate spells that can be used to heal themselves. Clerics are wise characters and they have high intellectual abilities.
ii. Druid - These type of cleric souls gain their strength from the magical auras of their comrades. Druids ought to not be taken lightly, they can deal some extreme destroy in the mix of things. At the same token, the thing which provides a druid with great strength is also their downfall. As increasingly of their companions are wounded or killed in battle, the weaker they get.
i. Justicar - This class of cleric souls are healers. These characters can deliver some extreme destroy in close combat. They fight in close quarters and help their close comrades in battle. The challenge that this character faces is that they perform better when mixed deep in battle and not far from it. Enemies ought to try to keep this cleric away from heavy battle and assault them at a distance.
Using a step-by-step Rift Mastery Guide to master any Cleric Soul with ease
iii. Purifier - These cleric souls have qualities similar to the Phoenix where they are severely tested and through their challenge and overcoming it, do they emerge to generate their soul. They have the ability to cure plenty of life-threatening wounds. They are not known for having great skills on the front line. Attackers are wise to rush this cleric in huge numbers and with focused intent.
As you have seen above, Clerics have the wonderful ability to craft up spells for healing and for attacking numerous foes and enemies. In the event you need to direct this character with laser-like focus, you ought to seek some help in the kind of a step-by-step guide. When you review the guide, you will learn how to deliver some extreme damaging blows to enemies and when the going gets hard, turn that healing power onto your own character.
If you are currently playing Rift, you are probably looking for a Rift Cleric Souls Guide. Cleric characters have powers that are similar to a wizard or warlock. They can craft some deadly spells to fight plenty of different characters or to generate spells that can be used to heal themselves. Clerics are wise characters and they have high intellectual abilities.
ii. Druid - These type of cleric souls gain their strength from the magical auras of their comrades. Druids ought to not be taken lightly, they can deal some extreme destroy in the mix of things. At the same token, the thing which provides a druid with great strength is also their downfall. As increasingly of their companions are wounded or killed in battle, the weaker they get.
i. Justicar - This class of cleric souls are healers. These characters can deliver some extreme destroy in close combat. They fight in close quarters and help their close comrades in battle. The challenge that this character faces is that they perform better when mixed deep in battle and not far from it. Enemies ought to try to keep this cleric away from heavy battle and assault them at a distance.
Using a step-by-step Rift Mastery Guide to master any Cleric Soul with ease
iii. Purifier - These cleric souls have qualities similar to the Phoenix where they are severely tested and through their challenge and overcoming it, do they emerge to generate their soul. They have the ability to cure plenty of life-threatening wounds. They are not known for having great skills on the front line. Attackers are wise to rush this cleric in huge numbers and with focused intent.
As you have seen above, Clerics have the wonderful ability to craft up spells for healing and for attacking numerous foes and enemies. In the event you need to direct this character with laser-like focus, you ought to seek some help in the kind of a step-by-step guide. When you review the guide, you will learn how to deliver some extreme damaging blows to enemies and when the going gets hard, turn that healing power onto your own character.
Rift Cleric Souls Guide - Great Souls For The Cleric Class
If you have been having challenges, getting over a sure level or finishing a specific stage, it is feasible that you may not fully understand your character. This editorial will speak about the different cleric souls you can select from and the way you can quickly level your Cleric up to level 50.
If you are currently playing Rift, you are probably looking for a Rift Cleric Souls Guide. Cleric characters have powers that are similar to a wizard or warlock. They can craft some deadly spells to fight plenty of different characters or to generate spells that can be used to heal themselves. Clerics are wise characters and they have high intellectual abilities.
ii. Druid - These type of cleric souls gain their strength from the magical auras of their comrades. Druids ought to not be taken lightly, they can deal some extreme destroy in the mix of things. At the same token, the thing which provides a druid with great strength is also their downfall. As increasingly of their companions are wounded or killed in battle, the weaker they get.
i. Justicar - This class of cleric souls are healers. These characters can deliver some extreme destroy in close combat. They fight in close quarters and help their close comrades in battle. The challenge that this character faces is that they perform better when mixed deep in battle and not far from it. Enemies ought to try to keep this cleric away from heavy battle and assault them at a distance.
Using a step-by-step Rift Mastery Guide to master any Cleric Soul with ease
iii. Purifier - These cleric souls have qualities similar to the Phoenix where they are severely tested and through their challenge and overcoming it, do they emerge to generate their soul. They have the ability to cure plenty of life-threatening wounds. They are not known for having great skills on the front line. Attackers are wise to rush this cleric in huge numbers and with focused intent.
As you have seen above, Clerics have the wonderful ability to craft up spells for healing and for attacking numerous foes and enemies. In the event you need to direct this character with laser-like focus, you ought to seek some help in the kind of a step-by-step guide. When you review the guide, you will learn how to deliver some extreme damaging blows to enemies and when the going gets hard, turn that healing power onto your own character.
If you are currently playing Rift, you are probably looking for a Rift Cleric Souls Guide. Cleric characters have powers that are similar to a wizard or warlock. They can craft some deadly spells to fight plenty of different characters or to generate spells that can be used to heal themselves. Clerics are wise characters and they have high intellectual abilities.
ii. Druid - These type of cleric souls gain their strength from the magical auras of their comrades. Druids ought to not be taken lightly, they can deal some extreme destroy in the mix of things. At the same token, the thing which provides a druid with great strength is also their downfall. As increasingly of their companions are wounded or killed in battle, the weaker they get.
i. Justicar - This class of cleric souls are healers. These characters can deliver some extreme destroy in close combat. They fight in close quarters and help their close comrades in battle. The challenge that this character faces is that they perform better when mixed deep in battle and not far from it. Enemies ought to try to keep this cleric away from heavy battle and assault them at a distance.
Using a step-by-step Rift Mastery Guide to master any Cleric Soul with ease
iii. Purifier - These cleric souls have qualities similar to the Phoenix where they are severely tested and through their challenge and overcoming it, do they emerge to generate their soul. They have the ability to cure plenty of life-threatening wounds. They are not known for having great skills on the front line. Attackers are wise to rush this cleric in huge numbers and with focused intent.
As you have seen above, Clerics have the wonderful ability to craft up spells for healing and for attacking numerous foes and enemies. In the event you need to direct this character with laser-like focus, you ought to seek some help in the kind of a step-by-step guide. When you review the guide, you will learn how to deliver some extreme damaging blows to enemies and when the going gets hard, turn that healing power onto your own character.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Rift Mage Souls Guide - All Mage Souls Explained
These souls think in sharing the knowledge from their research. Within the realm of the Mage, there's different variations of this soul. This news story will discuss some some of the Mage souls available in Rift & offer you tips on how to help you reach your game playing goals.
Mage souls are of the types of souls present in Rift. In case you are looking for a Rift Mage Souls Guide then you have probably seen some of the icy things they can do. Mages have mastered the art of controlling various elements. Mages are similar to scientists in that they constantly research & experiment.
The four Mage Souls:
The Stormcaller- These souls have the uncanny ability to draw out the powerful forces of nature. They can summon the angry cries of the wind & water as they wage war on the battlefield. When they summon these forces, it can leave the enemy jogging for cover & regretting they even tangled with such a mighty force. of the challenges they face is the time it takes for them to warm up. This because they usually must merge their spells for maximum damage.
The Warlock - These souls have a natural affinity for destroying enemies with curses that slowly gnaw at the body & soul. They have this great ability to wreak havoc on gigantic crowds of opponents or to quickly eliminate a single target. The time it takes for them to craft deadly spells is what may bring down a Warlock. Though it only represents a small chance for enemies, with proper timing, they can bring down what appears to be an invincible soul.
Archon - At will, these souls can draw on the forces of their opponents to help energize fellow comrades. They can craft up some deadly spells. These souls also have their challenges. After a great energy transfer, these souls are vulnerable. Their defenses are at the mercy of any opponent within striking distance.
Mage souls are powerful characters, but without proper guidance & focus, you won't know the true potential they hold. When you review the guide, you will learn some powerful leveling techniques for your Mage. Not only that, you will learn some killer PVP builds that can help you build your experience.
Using a step-by-step Rift Mastery Guide to properly harness the power of your Mage character's Soul.
Mage souls are of the types of souls present in Rift. In case you are looking for a Rift Mage Souls Guide then you have probably seen some of the icy things they can do. Mages have mastered the art of controlling various elements. Mages are similar to scientists in that they constantly research & experiment.
The four Mage Souls:
The Stormcaller- These souls have the uncanny ability to draw out the powerful forces of nature. They can summon the angry cries of the wind & water as they wage war on the battlefield. When they summon these forces, it can leave the enemy jogging for cover & regretting they even tangled with such a mighty force. of the challenges they face is the time it takes for them to warm up. This because they usually must merge their spells for maximum damage.
The Warlock - These souls have a natural affinity for destroying enemies with curses that slowly gnaw at the body & soul. They have this great ability to wreak havoc on gigantic crowds of opponents or to quickly eliminate a single target. The time it takes for them to craft deadly spells is what may bring down a Warlock. Though it only represents a small chance for enemies, with proper timing, they can bring down what appears to be an invincible soul.
Archon - At will, these souls can draw on the forces of their opponents to help energize fellow comrades. They can craft up some deadly spells. These souls also have their challenges. After a great energy transfer, these souls are vulnerable. Their defenses are at the mercy of any opponent within striking distance.
Mage souls are powerful characters, but without proper guidance & focus, you won't know the true potential they hold. When you review the guide, you will learn some powerful leveling techniques for your Mage. Not only that, you will learn some killer PVP builds that can help you build your experience.
Using a step-by-step Rift Mastery Guide to properly harness the power of your Mage character's Soul.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Rift Beginners Guide - Learn How To Get Started in Rift
Character Stats
There's no disgrace in needing a Rift Beginners Guide as the game is complex. You don't must worry though because you won't need to whip out a dictionary to be able to understand the basics of the game. Here are a number of the basic ideas that you need to know about Rift.
In the game, there's different callings. Each of these callings is have different sets of stats that you can personalize based on the build that you need. A number of the common stats that are present in all of the callings include strength, dexterity and endurance. However there's some stats that are only present in positive callings.
Quests to Unlock Souls
The Idea of Planarite
The first thing that you need to do is to go to the major city of your race. Six times you are in there, it will be simple to spot the people that you need to speak to in order to get the quest. Since you can only do quest at a time, you will only see quest even in case you have all of the quests. You'll only see the other quests that you have six times you finish the at hand.
Other Beginner Fundamentals in a Step by Step Rift Mastery Guide
The Planarite is of the currencies that it is possible for you to to gain in case you participate in invasions and rifts. The thing that you need to keep in mind about this funds is that it is wise to save up for the future. Don't spend it immediately if you are still on a low level since you'll be able to buy better armors and weapons as you reach a higher level.
When you use a step by step Rift mastery guide, you won't must explore all of these new ideas all by yourself. This can help you stay away from those beginner mistakes that can make your character a lot weaker than the others. Not to mention the way it can affect your leveling progress.
Although these ideas might appear complicated already, you still need to learn other ideas. This is why it is best to receive a step by step Rift mastery guide. With the use of this mastery guide, it is possible for you to to know more about other currencies that exist in the game and the recommended stats for positive classes.
There's no disgrace in needing a Rift Beginners Guide as the game is complex. You don't must worry though because you won't need to whip out a dictionary to be able to understand the basics of the game. Here are a number of the basic ideas that you need to know about Rift.
In the game, there's different callings. Each of these callings is have different sets of stats that you can personalize based on the build that you need. A number of the common stats that are present in all of the callings include strength, dexterity and endurance. However there's some stats that are only present in positive callings.
Quests to Unlock Souls
The Idea of Planarite
The first thing that you need to do is to go to the major city of your race. Six times you are in there, it will be simple to spot the people that you need to speak to in order to get the quest. Since you can only do quest at a time, you will only see quest even in case you have all of the quests. You'll only see the other quests that you have six times you finish the at hand.
Other Beginner Fundamentals in a Step by Step Rift Mastery Guide
The Planarite is of the currencies that it is possible for you to to gain in case you participate in invasions and rifts. The thing that you need to keep in mind about this funds is that it is wise to save up for the future. Don't spend it immediately if you are still on a low level since you'll be able to buy better armors and weapons as you reach a higher level.
When you use a step by step Rift mastery guide, you won't must explore all of these new ideas all by yourself. This can help you stay away from those beginner mistakes that can make your character a lot weaker than the others. Not to mention the way it can affect your leveling progress.
Although these ideas might appear complicated already, you still need to learn other ideas. This is why it is best to receive a step by step Rift mastery guide. With the use of this mastery guide, it is possible for you to to know more about other currencies that exist in the game and the recommended stats for positive classes.
The Secrets to Level Up Your Warrior in Rift With Razor Speed
If you need to level up your warrior in Rift with razor speed & minimal downtime, this editorial is going to help you to accomplish your objective. I am here to give you a handful of leveling secrets that will let you level your warrior basically that will save you time & energy.
There's souls that you will must select:
Champion - 32,
Warlord - six,
Beastmaster - 32
Keep your buffs up & spam your action points generators to Might blow, Fierce strike & Power strike. In the earlier levels, use finisher with either Deathblow or Punishing Blow & you must always keep your buffs up. You are advised to perform minor rifts in between quests & this will enable you to blaze through mobs with absolute ease.
Things to take note when you are leveling from one to level 25, you will must put 26 points in Champion & 15 points in Beastmaster. The Warrior Champion soul is the final warrior. This character wields a heavy two-handed battle sword & he excels in combat & you can find few of his equal. This soul tree composition will let you have a powerful pet able to soloing creatures all on his own. Your pet can accomplish this by using gigantic burst damage from two-handed sword. It is important to add the combination of you & your pet combating skills & your beast minion creatures will fall with tiny work.
effective way to deal with the mobs is by applying alternating damages between you & your pet. It is important to prevent your pet from being killed in the battle. He will act as a shield, by taking all the blows for you & diverting the mobs' attentions, this will let you take fewer damages. Without your pet around, the mobs will assault you only & bad you will be taking all the exclusive blows.
Last but not least to stun your enemy using the power of rotation. Switch between yourself & your pet by using Agro for attacking & never ever let your pet dies. Beginning with Fierce Strike & then moving to Powerstrike or Might Blow will help you build up your attacking points. When you are prepared to make use of these attacking points, hit your enemies with Deathblow or Punishing Blow & watch your enemy damage with lightning speed. Keep in mind to charge the next mob open with a Bloodthirst then repeat & rinse with this process & your Warrior in Rift will be well on the way up with razor speed.
There's souls that you will must select:
Champion - 32,
Warlord - six,
Beastmaster - 32
Keep your buffs up & spam your action points generators to Might blow, Fierce strike & Power strike. In the earlier levels, use finisher with either Deathblow or Punishing Blow & you must always keep your buffs up. You are advised to perform minor rifts in between quests & this will enable you to blaze through mobs with absolute ease.
Things to take note when you are leveling from one to level 25, you will must put 26 points in Champion & 15 points in Beastmaster. The Warrior Champion soul is the final warrior. This character wields a heavy two-handed battle sword & he excels in combat & you can find few of his equal. This soul tree composition will let you have a powerful pet able to soloing creatures all on his own. Your pet can accomplish this by using gigantic burst damage from two-handed sword. It is important to add the combination of you & your pet combating skills & your beast minion creatures will fall with tiny work.
effective way to deal with the mobs is by applying alternating damages between you & your pet. It is important to prevent your pet from being killed in the battle. He will act as a shield, by taking all the blows for you & diverting the mobs' attentions, this will let you take fewer damages. Without your pet around, the mobs will assault you only & bad you will be taking all the exclusive blows.
Last but not least to stun your enemy using the power of rotation. Switch between yourself & your pet by using Agro for attacking & never ever let your pet dies. Beginning with Fierce Strike & then moving to Powerstrike or Might Blow will help you build up your attacking points. When you are prepared to make use of these attacking points, hit your enemies with Deathblow or Punishing Blow & watch your enemy damage with lightning speed. Keep in mind to charge the next mob open with a Bloodthirst then repeat & rinse with this process & your Warrior in Rift will be well on the way up with razor speed.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Rift Mage Builds - The Best Builds For Mages In Rift
Knowing the right Rift Mage Builds is very important since mages are known for wielding the power to control the elements which can be downright confusing. This is because at the top of knowing all the builds, you also require to figure out which elements work best for definite types of monsters & other enemies. All of these tasks can become tedious & frustrating in the event you do research about all of them by yourself.
Solo Build
DPS Build
If you are playing alone, then you require to be the tanker & the who deals the destroy simultaneously. This is why the ideal main soul for the job is the necromancer. Your pets will serve as distractions & buffers while you are inflicting pain to your enemies. Since you'll require to heal yourself every four times in some time, you require to take the Chloromancer as of your off-souls.
Healer Build
For this build, the Necromancer class will become your off soul. This is because the most effective main soul for this build is the Pyromancer. With the Pyromancer as your main soul, you won't must worry about dying for about half a minute which will give you the chance to deal lots of destroy. To top the build off, you can use the Warlock as your third soul.
Choosing Other Mage Builds Using a Step by Step Rift Mastery Guide
In the event you require to support your team mates by healing them, you'll require to pick Chloromancer as your main soul. You can pick to heal or more ally at a time. What you require to watch out for though is the cold down of these healing spells. Cast them soon & you'll finish up not being able to heal someone when they require to be healed the most.
This way, you'll be able to focus on other things such as concentrating on your macro skills since you'll be pressing lots of skills all simultaneously. You will become an effective mage that your team mates won't be able to live without.
Being a mage can be a handful since you require to be aware of lots of spells. However with the help of a step by step Rift mastery guide, you'll find it simpler to understand & love the said calling. With the use of a step by step Rift mastery guide, you'll be able to know the right combination of classes without needing to become familiar the skills of each class.
Solo Build
DPS Build
If you are playing alone, then you require to be the tanker & the who deals the destroy simultaneously. This is why the ideal main soul for the job is the necromancer. Your pets will serve as distractions & buffers while you are inflicting pain to your enemies. Since you'll require to heal yourself every four times in some time, you require to take the Chloromancer as of your off-souls.
Healer Build
For this build, the Necromancer class will become your off soul. This is because the most effective main soul for this build is the Pyromancer. With the Pyromancer as your main soul, you won't must worry about dying for about half a minute which will give you the chance to deal lots of destroy. To top the build off, you can use the Warlock as your third soul.
Choosing Other Mage Builds Using a Step by Step Rift Mastery Guide
In the event you require to support your team mates by healing them, you'll require to pick Chloromancer as your main soul. You can pick to heal or more ally at a time. What you require to watch out for though is the cold down of these healing spells. Cast them soon & you'll finish up not being able to heal someone when they require to be healed the most.
This way, you'll be able to focus on other things such as concentrating on your macro skills since you'll be pressing lots of skills all simultaneously. You will become an effective mage that your team mates won't be able to live without.
Being a mage can be a handful since you require to be aware of lots of spells. However with the help of a step by step Rift mastery guide, you'll find it simpler to understand & love the said calling. With the use of a step by step Rift mastery guide, you'll be able to know the right combination of classes without needing to become familiar the skills of each class.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
"PSVITA" nama nya lumayan aneh, tapi blom coba sih, ntar klo udah coba pasti enak kyk nya
Handheld ps terbaru bakal dinamain PS VITA gan, atau bs disebut juga playstation VITA, wkwk,
kayak nama temen saya aja ini gan.
serius nih, jadi menurut Kazuo Hirai(dia kyk wakil bos nya Sony Corporation) Vita itu berarti kehidupan, jadi si KaHirai ini menamai PS Vita karena dia ingin pengguna PS ini menyambungkan antara dunia hiburan(PS) dengan dunia nyata atau dunia dimana tempat kita hidup, gitu gan klo saya baca2 dari sumber2.
cara pengucapan vita gini VEE-ta . trs handheld ini bakal punya wi-fi atau 3G/wi-fi jadi klo lagi bosen trus ada koneksi wireless bisa browsingan gan, ada kamera yang cukup bagus juga katanya.
PS Vita dengan wi-fi dihargai US$249
PS Vita dengan 3G/wi-fi dihargai US$299
saya gak tau bedanya apa gan, mungkin klo 3G wifi jaringan nya lebih cepet ya.
nah yang udah gak sabar nunggu kluar nya , saya kasih bocoran nih, PS Vita ini akan diluncurkan secara global pada akhir 2011 ini , jadi siap2 aja siapin duit sekitar $300 atau klo di rupiah jadi sekitar 2,5juta an.
saya kasih penampakan nya PS Vita nih
Keren juga ya PS Vita, saya gak sabar nunggu handheld ini masuk ke indonesia.
kayak nama temen saya aja ini gan.
serius nih, jadi menurut Kazuo Hirai(dia kyk wakil bos nya Sony Corporation) Vita itu berarti kehidupan, jadi si KaHirai ini menamai PS Vita karena dia ingin pengguna PS ini menyambungkan antara dunia hiburan(PS) dengan dunia nyata atau dunia dimana tempat kita hidup, gitu gan klo saya baca2 dari sumber2.
cara pengucapan vita gini VEE-ta . trs handheld ini bakal punya wi-fi atau 3G/wi-fi jadi klo lagi bosen trus ada koneksi wireless bisa browsingan gan, ada kamera yang cukup bagus juga katanya.
PS Vita dengan wi-fi dihargai US$249
PS Vita dengan 3G/wi-fi dihargai US$299
saya gak tau bedanya apa gan, mungkin klo 3G wifi jaringan nya lebih cepet ya.
nah yang udah gak sabar nunggu kluar nya , saya kasih bocoran nih, PS Vita ini akan diluncurkan secara global pada akhir 2011 ini , jadi siap2 aja siapin duit sekitar $300 atau klo di rupiah jadi sekitar 2,5juta an.
saya kasih penampakan nya PS Vita nih
Keren juga ya PS Vita, saya gak sabar nunggu handheld ini masuk ke indonesia.
oiya ada tambahan , dan sekedar info aja, PS Vita ini dulunya mw dinamain sama Sony NGP(Next Generation Portable) tapi entah kenapa di ganti PS Vita, mungkin karena artinya lebih bagus ya, pokoknya apapun namanya mari kita coba PS Vita ini, wkwkwk...
comment dari mereka2 :
- "Actar"No picture of Nanoha's hammer-wielding-loli-knight makes me sad...
- "AkiYoRabu Combo MaidNiac"NEED to agree..
- "GenoSabre"Same here.
- "OTHER"PSVITA has a lot of the features the PFP has in TWGOK. Maybe Sony's been jealous of Keima's handheld.
- "Hayate"the only difference is that it's connected to PSN...Keima: i can already see the ending...
- "OTHER"FINALLY we get what Keima has in masses at home,
though i doubt it will have that nifty email app... - "ShiraYuki619☆/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\"inspiration from God Keima
- "OTHER"It also allows hackers to steal your information and track your entire movements real-time!
- "caiooa"hope it have a virtual reallity mode like the pfp...
- "jefry" gadgetnya sih kebeli, tp game nya yg ga nahan, pasti dah diproteksi agar tak bs di bajak
- "pertamax"ditunggu... Kehadiranya.. Di indonesia oke.
- "Sin Vandalize"Kita sambitt,....Buah Vita
.....logo PSVITA nya kalau punya nanti
bakal ogut tutup pake stiker habis kayak merek Condom begitu,.....wakakakakkaa
nahhh,... nahhhh...,nah....nanyak nih Om,...kalau yg pake 3g aja, bisa ngak ya di indo,...
sayang jeroannya udah di pangkas, ngak seperti prototypnya - "Swordian"Wah ga tau Om kalau Indonesia gimana. Mungkin Sony bisa juga kerja sama dengan salah satu provider disini untuk si Vita ini
Secara pribadi sih, dengar nama Vita rasanya lebih enak didengar daripada NGP. Vita kesannya cakep, imut, moe lagi, kalau NGP kesannya garang
Iya, jeroannya dah banyak dikurangin memang. Mungkin untuk menekan harga
BTW, ada berita terbaru nih di twitter. Ga tau valid apa enggak - "Swordian"Aneh ya rasanya dengar nama Vita ?
Kalau gamenya katanya bakalan digital kok, jadi ga make Disc lagi. Kalau dah keluar versi JB berarti tinggal persiapan aja ISO-ISO yang mau dimainkan
- "SHaLaSHaSKa"Yg sudah pasti di US Sony menggandeng AT&T buat PSV.
Konsepnya kira-kira bisa kita bandingin ma iPhone pake Telkomsel/XL.
Gue sih pengennya ada slot buat SIM card biar bisa telepon n pake internet pake provider kesayangan kita masing-masing. #ngimpi
Rift Cleric Builds Guide - The Best Builds For Clerics Explained
Solo Play or Team Play
Don't be fooled by the seductive dresses as there is more to clerics than what meets the eye such as the different Rift Cleric Builds. What makes clerics so fascinating is that they are an important part of a team play and yet they can stand perfectly on their own. This is why you need to pick the right build for the type of cleric that you need to have. Here are a number of the things that you need to think about when choosing the right Rift Cleric Build for you.
Healer or Damager
You need to know in case you need to be a solo act or not. In case you need to explore the world of Rift by yourself, then it is best to make the Inquisitor or the Druid your main soul. As for the off-souls that you need to have, you can pick the Warden, Purifier or Shaman. On the other hand in case you need to play with other people, then you can tweak the classes mentioned above to become a healer or a damager of a party.
Ranged DPS or Melee DPS
Since clerics are known for healing other people, the best classes for the role of main soul are the Purifier, Warden and Sentinel. Six times combined with the other classes mentioned above, then you will become the ideal healing machine. In case you need to become a damager, then you ought to pick from the classes that are not yet mentioned.
Choosing the Right Build Using a Step by Step Rift Mastery Guide
In case you need to become a cleric who deals lots of destroy, then you can pick between the ranged or melee DPS builds. For the ranged DPS, the Inquisitor ought to be your main soul and the Purifier and the Warden ought to be your off-souls. For the melee DPS, the Druid ought to be your main soul and for your off souls, you ought to have the Shaman and Warden.
With the use of a step by step Rift mastery guide, you'll be able to know the other things that can help you pick the right build for you. You'll be able to pick based on other things other than the criteria that are mentioned before.
Choosing the right cleric build for you can be difficult if you are not using a step by step guide. This is why you need to have a step by step Rift mastery guide in case you need to become the most in demand cleric in town.
Don't be fooled by the seductive dresses as there is more to clerics than what meets the eye such as the different Rift Cleric Builds. What makes clerics so fascinating is that they are an important part of a team play and yet they can stand perfectly on their own. This is why you need to pick the right build for the type of cleric that you need to have. Here are a number of the things that you need to think about when choosing the right Rift Cleric Build for you.
Healer or Damager
You need to know in case you need to be a solo act or not. In case you need to explore the world of Rift by yourself, then it is best to make the Inquisitor or the Druid your main soul. As for the off-souls that you need to have, you can pick the Warden, Purifier or Shaman. On the other hand in case you need to play with other people, then you can tweak the classes mentioned above to become a healer or a damager of a party.
Ranged DPS or Melee DPS
Since clerics are known for healing other people, the best classes for the role of main soul are the Purifier, Warden and Sentinel. Six times combined with the other classes mentioned above, then you will become the ideal healing machine. In case you need to become a damager, then you ought to pick from the classes that are not yet mentioned.
Choosing the Right Build Using a Step by Step Rift Mastery Guide
In case you need to become a cleric who deals lots of destroy, then you can pick between the ranged or melee DPS builds. For the ranged DPS, the Inquisitor ought to be your main soul and the Purifier and the Warden ought to be your off-souls. For the melee DPS, the Druid ought to be your main soul and for your off souls, you ought to have the Shaman and Warden.
With the use of a step by step Rift mastery guide, you'll be able to know the other things that can help you pick the right build for you. You'll be able to pick based on other things other than the criteria that are mentioned before.
Choosing the right cleric build for you can be difficult if you are not using a step by step guide. This is why you need to have a step by step Rift mastery guide in case you need to become the most in demand cleric in town.
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