Swordman Skill
Bash 5/5
max this skill since it is your everyday skill!
Head Assault 5/5 or 1/5
Max or leave this at lvl 1. your choice!
Provoke 1 /5
aggroing monster. leave it at lv 1
Battle Orders 5/5
need to say more? 10% str baby! max it!
Aura Strike 5/5
Definitely max this. This will be one of your main attack.
Wide Provoke 1/5
just leave it at lv 1. Not as effective as your pots! XD
Armor Aura 5/5
this is a MUST have skill for Knight. 300% agrro, 20% more hp. need to say more? MAX this!
Sword Aura 1/5
lalala~ baka~ leave it at lv 1. lol
Magnum Break 0/5
don't bother spending your precious point here~
Battle Manual 0/5
same as above~
Knight Skill
Aura Mastery 2/3 or 3/3
go for 3/3 if you have extra skill points
Concentration 0/3
a BIG NO-NO. you're a tank, there's no point increasing damage taken. *sigh*
Aura Heal 0/3 or 3/3
max this if you want to heal yourself. Though, I recommend to leave this as 0/3 since even with full epic equipment, it only heals you up to 300 hp.
Shield Charge 1/5
Shield Boomberang 1/5
Just to agro/kite monster. leave this at level 1.
Aura Shield 5/5
Max this. reduce 20% damage taken for 10seconds. will definitely come handy when party dungeon / raiding!
Shield Boomberang Mastery 1/5
Grand Cross 3/3
your one and only AOE skill! max this! XD
Shield Cannon 5/5
the most powerful skill you'll ever have. MAX IT!
Shield Bash 1/5
just leave it at lv 1. This is to knockdown monster for 3 sec. Definitely useful in pvping
Shield Fortress(5/5)
your party buff. works greats!
Well, I know that it's hard when you screwed up with your skill, but hey, no pain no gain!
So, uhm. another question! how 'bout EQUIPMENT?!
Well, before you're hitting lv 50, I suggest you using any type of equipment. just get some green and blue, here and there. When you're lvl 50, try to join Hard Dungeon Mode for cool blue equipments and Raids (PVP arena and Bapho raids) for epic equipment!.
ONE LAST QUESTION! I saw there's card slot in my character's screen. what does it do and what CARD should I put in those slot?
Well, basically those card slot are for used to boost your stats. at lv 1, you have 1, at lv10, you'll have 2 slot and so on.
Well, in my honest opinion, you should use whatever card that increase your str/agi/vit but at lvl 50 I suggest you go with Raider Snatcher Card x 5 (THIS IS FOR LVL 50)(it boost your vits +12 and other stats +6).
There you go folk! HOPEFULLY, this guide will help you in your journey to become the best or one of the best Knight in midgard! Till we meet again!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Sunday, February 3, 2013
quest petak umpet fairy land 2
wah.. sudah lama banget nih gak corat-coret di blog ini.. Nah berikut ini saya akan membuat artikel tentang Quest petak umpet Pinokio di game Fairyland 2 indo. sebenarnya baru kenal game ini dari beberapa waktu lalu gamenya lucu dan kamu bisa berpetualang di dalam negeri dongeng bersama pet yang beraneka ragam. kalo penasaran bisa cek Officialnya disini Fairyland2
Tapi sekarang saya gak akan membahas tentang game play dari game ini.. sekarang bakal lebih membahas tentang Quest petak umpet dari Pinokio di Amusement Park soalnya banyak banget player yang kebingungan saat pertama kali ngambil Quest ini jadi saya iseng pingin buat artikel ini dengan harapan bisa membantu teman-teman dalam menjalankan Quest. oke mari kita mulai.
setelah sempat berbicara dengan fairy moer di koordinat (196,76) maka kamu bakal dapet Quest baru. nah setelah dapet Questnya tinggal klik aj di bagian kanan maka kamu bakal diarahin ke Pinokio yang lagi berdiri di depan panggung. si Pinokio sedang males kesekolah dan ngajakin kita buat main petak umpet sama dia dan teman-temanya.
setelah melihat video cerita maka kamu bakal diminta buat mencari Pinokio dan teman-temannya disini ad beberapa NPC yang mesti kamu temukan total ada 6 NPC termasuk Pinokio. NPC yang bersembunyi ad Daly,Muli, Miqika, Mr. Civet Cat, Cat Lady dan Pinokio satu NPC lagiMatch Girl bakal jadi juri di game petak umpet ini. yang buat sulit adalah gak ad koordinat yang bisa kita klik kaya Quest-quest sebelumnya.. hihii.. karena itu aq kasi tau nih dimana lokasi mereka bersembunyi..
yang pertama NPC Daly yang nyamar jadi boneka monyet di sebelah kanan panggung.. tepat disebelah kamu ketemu Pinokio tadi.
kedua ada NPC Muli yang lagi ngantri buat naek Roller Coster. kayanya NPC ini lagi gak pengen maen petak umpet deh.. hahaa..
ketiga NPC Miqika yang nyamar menjadi pion catur.. coba deh pencet Hot key "M" lihat peta yang motifnya kaya papan catur nah disana itu NPC Miqika ngumpetnya.
keempat NPC Mr. Civet Cat NPC satu ini gak terlalu sulit koq nemuinnya sesuai dengan namanya dia berbaur bersama temen-temennya di park. Cari NPC ini di kumpulan momon Civet Cat Cat. (cari yang warnanya paling lain) :p
kelima NPC Cat Lady sama kaya NPC sebelumnya dia juga ad di kumpulan momon yang namanya Forest Cat. cari aj di peta Buat tau dimana Forest Cat ngumpul.
nah yang terakhir adalah Pinokio.. kayanga Pinokio gak begitu pandai sembunyi.. karena petama kali jalanin Quest ini dia yang paling pertama aq temuin.. hahaa.. dia ad di tepi tebing paling pojok kiri Map disebelah kura-kura yang namanya fred.
nah.. setelah ketemu Pinokio beres sudah pencarian semua NPC'nya sekarang temui semua NPC yang udah ikut main petak umpet tepat di depan Portal masuk taman.. disana mereka udah pada ngumpul..
tinggal kamu tanya Pinokio buat melanjutkan Questnya. setelah kamu tanya Pinokio klik Questnya di bagian kanan maka kamu akan otomatis di gerakkan menuju Pinokio yang udah secara ajaib ada di depan Panggung tempat pertama kamu terima Quest ini. hehee.. sekian deh buat Quest petak umpet dari Pinokio semoga bisa membantu temen-temen sekalian dan selamat melanjutkan pertualangan di negeri Dongeng fairyland.
Cat Lady dan Pinokio satu NPC lagiMatch Girl,
fairy land 2,
fairy land2,
fairyland 2,
Mr. Civet Cat,
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Ragnarok Online 2 Rogue PvE Guide by 7BlackRoses
This guide will focus manily on the game’s pve aspects as a rogue.
So you want to be a rogue?
Fastest base attack speed from all classes
Good survivability and soloing capabilities, with Gangster Paradise
Party DPS support, via Mark of Death
High critical rate, especially when Unstable Doping procs
Note: You can test their attack speed by using a single hit skill, and you’ll notice, most of the time, that 2 (3 if Poisoning Weapon procs) figures will be show up, one being the skill’s damage, the other one being the quick slash almost after the skill is used.
AoE skills sucks
Mediocre defense
Stats 1 STR: +2 Damage
1 AGI: +4 Critical, +2 Evasion
1 INT: Doesn’t affect rogues.
1 WILL: +10 Max SP
1 VIT: +6 Max HP
Stat Build
- STR 35/ AGI30 / VIT 30
You can try a STR40/AGI40/VIT8 build, but i don’t recommend it because you’ll be right next to the boss during raids, and HP bonuses from gears are currently not working, so you need more hp. Yeah it only adds a little more hp, but more vit means more hp from pots too. Also, more hp is always sweet in pvp ;)
Skill Build
*There are 4 spare points that I left for the player to use. This can be used to either max Poisoning weapon/Combo Training/Dirty Plan or Crescent Moon/Hide/Dark Illusion for
pvp purposes.
Lv 1 Hide
-40% movement speed, decreases move speed penalty by 20% per level.
I use hide to initiate battle for that double damage with Dagger Throwing only if Combo Mastery didn’t proc since hiding removes all combo points.
No Dark Illusion
This is mainly a pvp skill, imo. You can benefit from hide’s double damage bonus with Dagger Throwing to lure mobs to you rather than teleporting into it (that might lure more mobs near it to attack you).
No Meteor Assault
Sad to say, but all aoe skills of thieves and both of it’s subclasses are terribad. I won’t ever dare add a point into this skill unless you want to get Smoke bomb.
Lv 5 Double Attack
This skill will be your bread and butter, together with Duel Stab, for generating combo points. Max it.
Lv 2 Combo Training
Chance to gain 1 more combo point when combo points are acquired.
I’ve been debating for so long about how many points i should put into this. And after resetting twice, I’ve decided that Combo Mastery procs often enough.
Lv 5 Genocide Mark
I used to have this at Lv1, and was still doing lots of crits because of Unstable Doping, and that skill procs enough that you won’t notice having this buff at level 1. But my friends and raid members kept on complaining why I only have it at that level, so I said what the heck and upped it to 5. Lol
You can leave this at level 1 if you’re geared enough, since you’ll mostly be relying on Unstable Doping for a higher crit rate. Just be prepared for those Y UR BUFF LV1 WTF NOOB comments if you’re not playing with friends.
Lv 5 Deadly Blow
This skill
will be a part of your main skill rotation especially when Dancing of Moonlight is on cd. Does pretty good single hit damage. Max it.
Lv1 Dagger Throwing
I only got this in order to get Poisoning Weapon/Dirty Plan. You can use this while hiding for double damage if you don’t have combo points or Combo Mastery isn’t active.
Lv 1 Poisoning Weapon
30% chance to deal 10/11/12/13/15% damage over time for 20 seconds.
I left this at 1 because I think the 4 points that will be used to max this skill for another 5% damage can be used somewhere else and 5% isn’t that much since, for example you have 1000 damage, it’ll only be 50 more damage every 2s for a total of 500 damage per duration. Thing is, when fighting bosses, the proc’d DOT doesn’t have a cd and you can trigger the DOT again that resets the duration.
Lv 1 Cross Impact
Leave it at prereq to open the main Rogue skills. It’s useless btw, same damage as double attack, only with an 8 sec cd.
No Smoke Bomb
This skill is either badly coded, bugged, or is crap. Yes it will put you in state of Hide even while in combat mode, but if you use it while standing still near mobs, they will still see and hit you, removing you from your hidden state. I’ve only seen this skill work properly once, and that’s me running with a speed buff potion so I don’t know if the skill worked or I just outran the mobs. Pvp is a different story though ;]
Lv 3 Combo Mastery
Chance to not use combo points when using a skill. Actually, this skill will give you a 10s buff that the next skill used won’t require any combo points, and the
effect will be as if you had 5 combo points. Even at 9% chance, i can say that it procs often enough to be max-level worthy.
Lv 2 Dirty Plan
Acquires 5 combo points and resets all skill cooldowns, 2 minutes cooldown at max level. I intentionally got this to Lv2 and not because I had an extra point and didn’t know where else to put it. Explanation later.
Lv 1 Dual Stab
Only used for generating 2 combo points quickly, and you probably have gained 3-4 points with Double Attack before this skill is off cd.
No Rolling Cutter
Same reason with Meteor Assault. The animation looks gay too, imo. Lol
Lv 5 Gangster Paradise
12% HP per 2 seconds, every combo point adds 2 sec to it’s duration.
Max achievable effect , 60% HP in 20s. 40 seconds cd at max level.
This skill is the reason why Rogues has better survivabilty when soloing than sins. This skill will save your ass alot of times during tight situations. I have never used an hp potion except for bosses thanks to this skill. Helps alot in leveling too.
P.S It was so cool using this back in RO1 to show off. XD
Lv 1 Crescent Moon
Stuns for combo points gained x 1 sec. Mainly a pvp skill, higher level shortens it’s cooldown time. Leave it at Lv 1.
Lv 5 Dancing of Moonlight
The new Sonic Blow. Cool sounding skill name. ‘Nuff said.
The skill description says 110% damage but the real damage % it does is different since the first 7-8(?) hits has it’s own % modifier than the final hit. I’ve tested this skill to see what damage % each hit does but it goes way too fast and since each hit can crit on it’s own, I wasn’t able to fully calculate it’s modifiers. Well, that and I got bored. xD
Lv 5 Mark of Death
The best debuff in the game. Ever. Period.
This skill is the reason why people who knows what the skill carries at least 1 rogue in raids. It grants 10% more damage to ALL of the attacking players, not only for you, to the debuffed target for 30 seconds. 2 minute cooldown at max level.
Lv 5 Unstable Doping
This skill is what rogues are known for, and it’s their specialty. Because the skill description can be confusing and the buff it gives is still yet to be translated, many rogues doesn’t know everything about it. (No offense to the translators.)
This skill has a chance to give you either a 20% critical or increase or 20% physical damage for 30 seconds. Once you get the one of the two possible buffs, you will get a debuff that lasts for as long as the buff's duration and will prevent you from triggering the other buff, hence there can only be one Unstable Doping buff active at any given time.
But that’s not the cool thing about this skill. While you have UD on, whenever you use pots, you’ll get a certain amount of the recovered HP added to your damage and is stackable up to 30% of your total base damage. This buff will show as a yellowish up arrow icon that lasts for 3 minutes and the duration will be reset everytime you use a hp potion.
For further explanation, let’s take this for an example:
Base damage = 1000
HP healed with Lv5 hp potion = 500
Additional damage acquired for every potion = 20% of recovered HP divided by 2
With the above given, you will get 50 more damage every time you use a potion, and can be stacked up to 300 more damage meaning the higher your base damage is, the higher maximum stackable doping damage can be obtained.
What I do is reach the max stackable with high level pots, then use Lv 1 pots to maintain the buff on. Too costly? Yeah. But you’ll only be using this in raids imo and 20 Lv1 pots will last you for an hour. Although, once you forget to use a hp pot, the buff will run out and then you’ll have to stack it up again.
Raids and Skill Rotations
Mark Of Death + Dirty Plan
When boss battles start, MAKE SURE YOU USE MARK OF DEATH FIRST. So all other dps classes will have their damage boosted. Also, as soon as you first use MoD, make sure you use Dirty Plan afterwards.
Always look for the MoD debuff icon and when it runs out, cast it again. If you followed my build and you have Dirty Plan at Lv 2, after the 2nd MoD runs out, the skill should be at 90s cooldown and Dirty Plan at 120s.
The reason why I have Dirty Plan at Lv 2 is so that MoD will go out of CD first before Dirty Plan does. After the 3rd MoD duration runs out, Dirty Plan should be at 10s left before it’s out of cd, and once it does, use it and cast MoD again. Rinse and repeat. My raid party always kills the boss after the 3rd-4th MoD when I follow this cycle.
If you max Dirty Plan, it will be out of cd 30s earlier than MoD cd after the 2nd MoD runs out, but I feel that the30s that has elapsed from MoD’s cd by this time will go to waste if you use Dirty Plan first.
A rogue’s dps rotation is pretty straight forward. What I do is:
Duel Stab (2 combo points) > Double Attack until you have 5 combo points > Dancing Of Moonlight or Deadly Blow if Dancing of Moonlight is on cd.
I won’t cover any aspects of gearing your rogue. Just remember, aim for at least 5k HP once you hit cap level and you’ll be fine. Also, don’t bother for equips that gives HP bonus stats since they aren’t working at the moment so get the ones that gives evasion/block.
And there you have it folks! Any suggestions and/or criticisms are welcome. Hope you guys have fun with the class cz we rogues r dope 'yo! XD
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Pengen punya penghasilan selagi nganggur dirumah?? coba nih
Pengen punya penghasilan selagi nganggur dirumah?? coba nih
cek dimari
cek dimari
Bagaimana cara mengurus STNK (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan) hilang?
Bagaimana cara mengurus STNK (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan) hilang?
Persyaratan untuk mengurus STNK yang hilang adalah sebagai berikut:
Perlu diperhatikan bahwa biaya tersebut mengacu pada biaya pengurusan STNK mobil pribadi. Kemungkinan besar ada perbedaan biaya bila mengurus kendaraan bermotor dengan jenis yang berbeda.
Tips yang bisa saya sampaikan dalam pengurusan STNK yang hilang adalah sebagai berikut:
Persyaratan untuk mengurus STNK yang hilang adalah sebagai berikut:
- KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) pemilik kendaraan yang tercantum di STNK.
- Fotokopi KTP yang disebutkan di Nomor 1.
- Fotokopi STNK yang lama (hilang).
- Surat Keterangan Hilang dari Polsek terdekat.
- BPKB (Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor) terkait.
- Cek Fisik kendaraan.
Lakukan cek fisik kendaraan bermotor untuk mendapatkan keterangan resmi nomor mesin dan nomor rangka kendaraan terkait. - Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran di bagian Tata Usaha.
- Mengurus Surat Keterangan STNK Hilang dari Samsat.
Semua persyaratan yang dibawa dan Formulir Pendaftaran yang sudah diisi diserahkan ke loket STNK Hilang. Surat Keterangan STNK Hilang ini berbeda dengan Surat Keterangan Hilang dari Polsek setempat. Surat tersebut berisi keterangan keabsahan STNK terkait, misalnya tidak diblokir atau dalam pencarian. Biaya: Rp. 30.000. - Mengurus pembuatan STNK baru di loket BBN II.
Loket BBN II adalah loket untuk pengurusan balik nama, tukar warna, dan rubah bentuk. Di loket ini kita serahkan semua persyaratan dan Surat Keterangan STNK Hilang. - Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor.
Berkas-berkas yang kita serahkan akan diurus. Kalau tidak ada masalah, kita akan dipanggil untuk membayar Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor. Biaya: Rp. 50.000. - Pengambilan STNK dan SKPD (Surat Ketetapan Pajak Daerah).
Selain STNK dan SKPD, KTP asli pemilik kendaraan juga akan kita ambil kembali.
Perlu diperhatikan bahwa biaya tersebut mengacu pada biaya pengurusan STNK mobil pribadi. Kemungkinan besar ada perbedaan biaya bila mengurus kendaraan bermotor dengan jenis yang berbeda.
Tips yang bisa saya sampaikan dalam pengurusan STNK yang hilang adalah sebagai berikut:
- Bawa alat tulis.
Jangan sampai kita kebingungan mencari alat tulis untuk mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran atau dokumen lainnya. - Hindari calo.
Calo (baik dari kalangan petugas atau umum) bisa dihindari. Jangan mengaku memiliki uang lebih. Cari bagian Informasi atau skema prosedur pengurusan STNK hilang. - Cari informasi sebelum mengurus.
Akan lebih baik kalau kita bisa mencari tahu informasi prosedur pengurusan STNK hilang yang berlaku di tempat kita mengurus STNK tersebut. Penjelasan di atas (persyaratan, prosedur, biaya) bisa jadi bersifat lokal, yaitu tidak berlaku umum di setiap tempat pengurusan STNK. Hal ini akan membantu kita menghindari calo. - Datang sepagi mungkin di hari kerja selain Jumat.
Pengurusan STNK hilang dapat diselesaikan dalam satu hari. Semakin pagi kita hadir di tempat pengurusan STNK, semakin cepat kita pulang membawa STNK yang sudah jadi. Saya menyarankan datang di hari kerja untuk menghindari kerumunan pengurus STNK; kecuali hari Jumat. Shalat Jumat bisa jadi alasan melambatnya proses pengurusan STNK.
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